Today’s training session was a light one consisting of 6,000 easy meters preceded by 500m warmup and followed with 750m warmdown. There was another 3K done at an even easier pace, to bring the day’s grand total meters up to 10K, so as to qualify for another day toward the annual Concept 2 Mud Season Madness Challenge.
Today’s training session was started about an hour before sunrise. It was 4×2000 meters within a total of 14K, preceded with a 500m warmup and followed by a 750m warmdown.
Have you ever gotten a late start on your day and everything was sort of out-of-whack*?
That happened to me today. I went to bed late and slept in more than 4 hours later than usual. After having coffee and breakfast just before noon, I felt full but it wasn’t because I’d eaten too much. I felt full of procrastination when I thought about rowing.
So I did other things for a couple of hours and then had lunch. And then I realized, from somewhere in the forested acres of procrastination land, that if I didn’t start rowing right away, it would have to be skipped for a day.
No! Nooooo!
So I just dove in, so to speak, and started rowing.
The training session was an easy one: 8K patterned with three 500 meter sprints near the beginning. See the details screenshot if you want to know more.
Because everything was so out-of-whack(y)* late, I didn’t do any extra meters beyond the training session itself, to bring the daily total up to 10K. 9,250 meters (including warmup and warm down) was sufficient.
Finish screen at end of today’s 8K of training.Today’s training details.Today’s training session reportThe worth-a-thousand-words graphs for today’s training.
Happiness while rowing to you.
*Definition: “out of whack”
If something is out of whack, it is not working properly, often because its natural balance has been upset.
Today’s training session was 14,000 meters arranged as three 2K intervals done one after the other, with 750 meters active rest separating each of them and the remaining portion of the 14,000 meters was done at an easy pace after the third of three 2K intervals.
Finish screen for today’s training session. If the blue graph on bottom-left looks strange, you are right. RowPro 5 for the Mac got stuck when graphing after the second 2K interval and didn’t return to normal until the middle of the third interval. But the Session Report is okay. And so is the HR display on the finish screen. It’s only the pace graph on the bottom left that shows some incorrect display for part of the graph.details for today’s session.
Strange behavior was noted yesterday and today with RowPro 5 for the Mac. Yesterday I noticed that after it was closed, it still showed to be running with a black dot under its icon in the dock. When the Activity Monitor was opened, it showed not just one, but TWO instances of RowPro running. I had to force-quit to shut them down yesterday.
Today, after RowPro was started it also showed two instances of itself running. I force-quit the one that showed the least activity and used RowPro with only that instance running. Yesterday, I told RowPro programmers about it but haven’t heard back from them.
Today’s scheduled training session was a 6K recovery piece. I added a preliminary 3K to bring the day’s total meters up to 10K. Drag factor was 120 and foot straps were not used.
I tried listening to music while rowing but the music seemed to be a distraction so it was turned off and most of the session was done with the only sounds in the room from the rowing machine and the fan of a small air cleaner. I guess it might be accurately said that I was in a reflective mood.
RowPro 5 for the Mac still had a problem with not accessing online rowfiles and not uploading the rowing session. So I had to once again log in to the Concept 2 logbook and make manual entries for the meters rowed.
Today’s rowing screenshots and reports:
Finish screen for 3K warmupWarmup reportWarmup chartsFinish screen of training session 6KDetails of training sessionTraining session reportTraining session graphs
Today’s training session amounted to 16,000 meters plus another 1,250 meters for warmup and warm down. Drag factor 120, straps not used.
After the rowing session was over, RowPro 5 for the Mac refused to upload the results to the Concept 2 online logbook. Instead, it gave an error message:
Here’s the stuff regarding today’s training session:
Today’s rowing session was not done to the letter of the scheduled training session, because I wanted to do a harder attempt at this month’s event instead. But so as to keep the training session progress on schedule, I went through the motions and did the distance of the actual training session. So the training session distance served as a long, slow warmup for the event.
One thing I actually DID try to do during the training session was to do the 200 meter intervals in the specified rating range of 33 – 36. The only way to do that without working hard was to limit the drive to about 1/2 to 3/4 of a normal drive and not pull the handle all the way to my body with each stroke.
Even though the training session itself wasn’t done “to the letter” of its details, all the rowing today added up to having fulfilled the spirit of the details, because the c2ctc event done today was done hard and fast, like I was supposed to have done the 4×200 intervals in the training session.
First, the details and results of the training session:
You can easily see that I didn’t follow the letter of today’s training session, because it was done with such restraint that HR peaks never climbed up to their painted target zones for the 4×200 intervals.The details intended for but not followed in today’s training session. The hard work comes later, in the ten intervals for the event.Training session reportTraining session graphs.
After doing the training session in such a restrained manner, I was fully rested for the c2ctc challenge. So – here are the results of the attempt at this month’s challenge, which is a set of 10 x 1:30 r :30
Finish screen for C2CTC challengeReport for C2CTC challengeStroke chart for C2CTC challenge
Finally… there was a 1K warm down:
Finish screen for final warm down.warm down reportwarm down stroke chart
Today’s rowing was done exactly to the letter of its description, instead of increasing effort to rise above the painted HR target zone as I’ve been doing on previous training “recovery” days.
Tomorrow’s training will probably not be done “to the letter” of the details at all, but will be done in the spirit, if done as anticipated. What’s anticipated for tomorrow, is to do the hard part of the training session rather easy and then add another attempt to do this month’s event at a faster pace than the first attempt.
By making another try at the event and doing it HARD, I’ll more than make up for not doing tomorrow’s hard part of the training session as hard as called for.
Today’s session was done with the usual Drag Factor of 120 and without use of the foot straps. One thing that was different today than usual is that I rowed more than 90% of the session with my eyes closed, counting strokes.
Finish screen for today’s 6K glide.The letter of today’s training details.Today’s training session reportToday’s training session graphs.
Who is controlling this plowing session? Couldn’t do it without the muscle of the horse … or the man guiding the plow … or the unseen, mystery person holding the reins… When you do a rowing session are you the horse, the person guiding the plow or the invisible person holding the reins?
Today’s rowing session was strictly a scheduled training session and nothing else. It consisted of a 500m warmup, 3 x 150 r750 main session of 12K total and a 750m warm down. Drag factor 120 and straps totally loose.
Finish screen for main 12K portion of today’s session.Details, details…Today’s session report.Today’s session graphs.
The competition on C2CTC inspired me to do better on the February event of ten 90 second intervals. Today’s training session was only going to be an easy 6K. So I used the easy 6K as a warmup, then followed the 6K with a set of 10 x 1:30 active r :30 easy for c2ctc. But it crashed after the 9th interval. I don’t know if RowPro crashed or the PM crashed but it seemed that the PM was the problem because the PM went blank, then it re-booted and there was no error message or comment from RowPro except that it lost connection with the PM.
I checked the PM’s battery and it was low, so changed that.
There’s still time before the end of the month, to try it again. Here’s the data on what was done today:
finish screen for today’s training session. It was done super-easy, so as to leave plenty of energy for the intervals to session detailsTraining session reporttraining session graphsView of screen for attempt at C2CTC intervals as it looked after PM crashedThere might be a problem with RowPro 5 for the Mac, since it is showing that I did 19 intervals. I had only done 9 sets – 18 active and rest intervals – when it crashed. The 19th one is “fake news” from RowProGraphs for 9 sets of intervals done before PM crashed.