Every Breath You Take Is Good


Today’s main physical activity was to put another coat of stuff on the roof, which took a few hours.  Normally, the air outdoors is fresh but while working on the roof, it smelled like paint for all those hours and I was glad to get back indoors and away from the smell.

As for the indoor rowing – did an easy session of 10,500 with a little sprint at the end.

There was a glitch in the session report generated by RowPro 5 for the Mac.  It shows in the 8th split.  But strangely enough, that glitch does not show in the split report displayed on concept2.com after it was uploaded to my online logbook hosted by concept2.  (See the respective images below, to understand what I mean)

AN-April-28th-10500-finish AN-April-28th-10500-rpt-with-glitch-rpt AN-April-28th-10500-rpt-with-glitch-gphs same-splits-on-c2-log

Happy rowing to you.

Progress Or Standing Still?


Today’s title relates to the dubious results for today’s pushups session.  There seemed to be no progress at all and an actual reduction in the number of pushups compared to a similar previous session.  But I forgot to take 3 minutes rest after the sets for which 7 was the result and maximum.  Instead of 3 minutes rest, I only took 2 minutes rest.  So it’s possible that the results would have been better and there might have been progress.  Can’t do it over, so there’s no way this side of heaven and omniscient God Almighty for me to know the answer to that question.

In addition to the pushups session, I rowed 10,500 meters at a very easy effort level.

AMm-April-27th-8K-finish AMm-April-27th-8K-rpt AMm-April-27th-8K-gphs AMm-April-27th-warmup-finish AMm-April-27th-warmup-rpt AMm-April-27th-warmup-gphs pu-wk-7-session-2

Happy rowing to you.

Ten K Rowing Online


When I used the search terms “Ten K Rowing Online” to find an image for this post, most of the results were photos of JK Rowling, who is totally irrelevant.  But the above image is nicely relevant, as far as the rowing aspect at least.

The 10K which I did today was indoors and via the internet but I had to row it alone because the 20 minutes advance notice I gave for scheduling it in the online listing wasn’t enough advance notice.

AM-April-26th-10K-finish AM-April-26th-10K-online-rpt AM-April-26th-10K-online-gphs

Happy rowing to you.

Rowing Training Semi Limbo

When I searched for a suitable image using the terms “rowing training semi limbo” this was the first image offered up by the search engine.

Today’s rowing training session was not, because the last session of the 12 week training schedule was supposed to be the day before yesterday.  The last session was not done, however because the day before yesterday was spent applying roof coating and getting thoroughly dehydrated in the process.  Yesterday there was no rowing, because most of yesterday was spent with walking at the county fair.

So for rowing today, I simply did a moderate 6K, plus 4K of warmup/down.  Before the 6K, there was a strength-training/pushups session.  Both are documented below.

ALl-April-25nd-6K---finish ALl-April-25nd-6K---rpt ALl-April-25nd-6K-gphs

Though the line for today’s pushups is labeled M for Monday, it was actually done today which is Tuesday. The pushups for W will be Thursday and F will be Saturday. Next week should be back on schedule.

Happy rowing to you.

How To Lose Seven Pounds In One Day Without Rowing


There was no rowing done today because I spent almost all day on the roof, applying roof coating.  The temperature started at 93 degrees and got as high as 96 degrees before I was finished for the day.

My morning weight was 179.7 lbs and after finishing with the roof work, I weighed 172.4, a loss of over 7 lbs.  And – yes, I did drink water throughout the day.

Happy rowing or roof coating to you.

No Robots Please

Robots have some good uses, but when spammers use bots to try to post comments on a blog, its a real drag to have to look at all the spam, to see if there are any real comments among them.

The title of today’s post is in reference to the addition of another step necessary for anyone to submit a comment. To submit a comment now, you first must demonstrate that you are not a robot.

Today’s training session was only 2K and it was patterned as 2x100r750 within that 2K.  In order to get a few more meters and bring the total up to around 10K, it was supplemented with another session. The supplemental session was 7K done online with another member of the RowPro Rowers.

Note that RowPro 5 for the Mac still has a bug in that if the last split distance is not equal to all the previous split distances, it shows an incorrect average pace for the last split. That same error is carried over to the graph of the session, where it incorrectly shows an impossible burst of speed on the graph for the last split.

AL-April-22nd-2K--training-finish AL-April-22nd-2K--training-rpt AL-April-22nd-2K--training-gphs AL-April-22nd-7K--online-finish AL-April-22nd-7K--online-gphs

Happy rowing to you.


TGIF Rowing

When I did an image search using the terms TGIF rowing, this was the happiest looking of all the results.

Although I’ve been rowing every day possible, for some reason today’s energy level seemed higher than the past few days.  Maybe it was the spirit of TGIF, boosting the energy.

Before rowing, there was a strength-training session of push-ups.  The thing that takes the longest about doing the push-ups is the rest time between sets.

The rowing today was a rest-and-recovery 6K.

AK-April-201st-5K--training-finish AK-April-201st-5K--training-gphs AK-April-201st-5K--training-rpt pu-wk-6-session-3

Happy rowing to you.

No Oar Bending Today


To be more specific than today’s post title, there were no oars to bend, because today was another day of indoor rowing.  But if today’s rowing had been done OTW like those in the photo above were doing, no oars would have been bent, like you can see the oars are being bent in the boat in the foreground of that photo.

It was a rest and recovery row, gently done. It was accompanied by another strength training session of push-ups.

AJ-April-19th-5K-training-finish AJ-April-19th-5K--training-gphs AJ-April-19th-5K--training-rpt pu-wk-6-session-2


Happy rowing to you.