After my fiasco yesterday during the second attempt at the July 2017 CTC challenge, I decided to have what I think of as a “steadying session”. A steadying session is whatever I choose for that purpose but it’s main characteristics will exclude sudden sprints followed by sudden stops.
If I’ve been sprinting or working very hard for a relatively long time, I’ve found over the years that it’s best to keep moving at a moderate to easy pace immediately afterwards.

So today’s choice was to row 15K, do the first few K as warmup, gradually step up the pace throughout most of the rest of the distance, cap it with a bit of a sprint and then use the last 2 or 3K to warm down.
I also intended to modify the setup within RowPro 5 for the Mac, for the CTC challenge “advanced custom setup” of the variable intervals set up for the July 2017 challeng, so that the rests are Stops instead of Recovery. Because I discovered that if the rests are labeled as Recovery then RowPro 5 for the Mac not only records the distance rowed, if any, during recovery rests, but it lumps all the recovery distance in together with the grand total of distance for the active intervals, instead of separately totally active and rest distance, like the more refined and finished versions of RowPro for Windows do. For the CTC challenge, the total distance of only the active portion is needed for challenge entry… and it would be good to have a session report which displays only the distance of the active portion, for “proof” to other challenge participants.
I’ve been told that if the rest times between active intervals are labeled as “Stop” then RowPro 5 for the Mac ignores and does not add up any distance rowed during the rest times.
During today’s rowing session, I neither listened to music nor to a lecture and simply focused on the rowing with most of my mind while letting the rest of the mind wander without getting too far away.
The plan to row a single 15,000 meter session today was discarded, however, after I finished modifying the variable intervals programming within RowPro 5 for the Mac for the July 2017 CTC challenge.
Instead, I decided to slowly and easily row the new variable intervals setup, which had all the rest intervals changed from R (recovery) to S (stop), to see if it would give a total distance result of the Active intervals only, without adding the distance done while resting to the same total.
So I rowed that whole thing and found the same thing as yesterday – it added the distance rowed during the rest intervals to the total for the active intervals. I fiddled around with it a bit more and so as to avoid boring you with the details, I’ll skip the details and tell you that I discovered that once a custom interval setup in RowPro 5 for the Mac is edited and the edited version is downloaded into RowPro 5 for the Mac… the only way to be sure to get the newly edited result into RowPro 5 for the Mac is to close/shut down/exit RowPro 5 for the Mac and then again open/start/enter RowPro 5 for the Mac.
I rowed the whole, edited version again and found that it worked as someone had told me. That someone was Annette Wammen, of Denmark. She said that it would not add any distance done while the S (stop) time was counting down in the Stop intervals.
Altogether, the total distance rowed today added up to 13,832 meters.
Here are the relevant screenshots for today’s rowing:
Happy rowing workout experimentation to you.