Another Second Faster

Today’s EliteHRV morning reading was a vast improvement over yesterday’s and was a “green light” for any sort of workout level.

Today’s main session was another 30 minute time trial. This one was a bit faster than previous, targeting a pace of 2 minutes 4 seconds per 500 meters. It went okay and – surprisingly – heart rate didn’t get as high as the previous, slower 30 minute session of two days ago.

For those of you who’d like to row-along with it, the screen recording link is here: Indoor Rowing 30 mins Time Trial 02282019

Finish screen for today’s 30 minute rowing session.
Report for today’s 30 minute rowing session.
RowPro graphs for today’s 30 minute rowing session.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 30 minute rowing session.
SleepWatch app logged 7 hours 05 minutes sleep last night.

Happy rowing to you!

SkiErg 2K Time Trial

Today’s 2K on the SkiErg was done at RPE Level 9. If you play the session screen recording, you will be able to hear me quite out-of-breath when talking after the end of the 2K.
Today’s HRV reading gave a green light to race or workout as hard as I wanted.
Though last night’s sleep had a huge interruption, I managed to get enough sleep at 7 hours 35 minutes to still have a good HRV reading.

The main workout today was the shortest, a 2,000 meter session on the SkiErg. It might correctly be called a “time trial,” because though it was solo, I was trying to go as fast as possible for that distance. It felt like RPE level 9 but I’m new to the SkiErg, so there is lots of room for improvement.

A screen recording was made of the SkiErg 2k and it can be found at this link: SkiErg 2K 02162019

The longest workout session today was 8,000 meters on the rowing machine. It was done as a warmup for the SkiErg 2K and was done with a target heart rate zone of 133 to 158 and it felt like RPE Level 5. Heart rate was allowed to rise above 158 near the end because it felt good, I was barely perspiring and was breathing easy.

Finish screen for SkiErg 2K.
Report for SkiErg 2K.
RowPro graphs for SkiErg 2K.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for SkiErg 2K.
Finish screen for today’s 8K warmup.
RowPro report for today’s 8K warmup.
RowPro graphs for today’s 8K warmup.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 8K warmup.

Happy rowing to you!