Today’s EliteHRV analysis was better than yesterday’s and it was green, so I did a bit longer workouts, each at a bit brisker pace than what was done yesterday. The main workout was rowing 10K with a 2:10 pace boat, aiming to stay ahead of the pace boat. There was occasional Afib sputtering of the cardio engine during the 10K but it never persisted and was flutter-free smooth-running for most of the time. You can see the times when the ticker got irregular and fluttered with atrial fibrillation, in the RowPro graph of the rowing session where the vertical spikes to zero are located. There were five of them… possibly six, if you count the very beginning, but heart rate just before the 10K started was 46 to 49 BPM, so that thing which looks like a spike right at the beginning might just be heart rate raising quickly from its low resting rate.
After the rowing, there was a 145 calorie intervals session on the SkiErg.

Happy rowing to you!