Today’s indoor rowing session was the second experiment in making a screen recording and uploading it to YouTube. Today’s video recording has a sound track which consists of a few spontaneous unrehearsed words at the beginning and then, after the start, there are the sounds of the room and also you can hear the sounds of the YouTube videos I watched.
The title of today’s rowing session screen recording on YouTube is “8K Indoor Rowing 136 Watts Average Pace with Intervals” . Note: This video will eventually be deleted from YouTube, when I can replace it with something that has not had its sound track muted and mutilated by YouTube (see note regarding the YouTube problem, below)
NOTE REGARDING VIDEO POSTED TO YOUTUBE DECEMBER 28: (8K session mentioned above): after posting it to YouTube, I noticed that it had been tagged as “containing copyrighted material” which turned out to be some of the music that was playing over the speakers in the room. YouTube said that because of that, there would be Ads placed on the video and the advertising profits from the videos thus being monetized would go to whoever had claimed copyright rights. So I used YouTube’s tools to “remove” the copyrighted tracks. After taking a long time to re-process and “edit” the video, YouTube announced that it hadn’t been able to remove the song and gave the option of leaving it as is and having ads displayed, or muting the song. So… rather than have ads plastered over it while someone is trying to watch it during their rowing, I chose the “mute” option. The worst case is that there will be blank areas of audio. In the future, I will only have sounds playing from the speakers that are not copyrighted!
ADDITIONAL NOTE REGARDING THIS VIDEO WHICH WAS POSTED TO YOUTUBE: After YouTube “edited” the sound track of the video, the sound track was ruined and the relevant signals (interval timer beeps) are either removed or re-positioned. So … I will put other videos up to replace these, when I can. After those videos are up, I will delete these videos from YouTube. Once that is done, I will also delete the links to them. It has been educational, to learn about how the music industry is listening to the sound tracks of all videos posted in public places on the internet and making copyright claims so that they have the right (and so that they are the only ones who have the right) to “monetize” the video by placing whatever advertisements they like on the video. Screen recordings of indoor rowing sessions aren’t nearly as helpful or relevant if the actual sounds, including the signals from any interval timer used, are audible.
The “136 Watts” is the average of the entire rowing session. The instantaneous effort level was sometimes much lower than 136 Watts and other times much higher. You can see the instantaneous Watts effort level displayed in big blue numbers in the center of the bottom right pane of the RowPro window. The big red numbers in the bottom right of that same pane are an instantaneous reading of heart rate.
One of these days, I might try recording the session using a GoPro camera mounted either on my head or on a tripod. Or both…. to see which one works better. But until then, there’s only the screen recording which shows only one of the two monitors.
All of the 8K was rowed at an easy pace except for the intervals. The first 8 intervals were done at a moderate pace and the 9th & last interval was done at a hard pace. RowPro 5 For The Mac is what was used to display everything on the screen, once the rowing started.
The music was provided by another YouTube video and its name and link are on the second-to-last line near the bottom of this blog post.

The music which played during the first 27+ minutes of this rowing session comes from the YouTube video called HOCR Rowing Power Workout.
Happy rowing to you.