This is one variety of Arizona bobcat but the ones we’ve seen near where we live seem to look a bit sturdier and their spots are less noticeable.
Yesterday Diane saw a bobcat stalking a rabbit when she went out to get the mail. It was the first time she had seen one outside of a zoo and she was impressed at its size. It totally ignored her and kept its focus on the rabbit which it was keeping on the move.
Today after rowing I went for a short run and watched for bobcats but saw none.
The rowing session today was 10K followed by a run of a little over 20 minutes.
Today I debated whether to do any rowing or running at all.
There were other high priority things to do today which crowded out the usual rowing and running. I internally debated taking the day off from doing any rowing or running and the debate was won in favor of doing some rowing and skipping the rowing for today.
So the rowing done after the debate was 9,500 meters while watching a few innings of a baseball game between the Mets and the Cubs.
Today’s aerobic activity started out with the conscious goal of doing 10K all alone and offline at a somewhat race pace (for me) of 2:03.7 or faster.
But the subconscious wasn’t in agreement. So I canceled that 10K before even finishing the warmup and went into the living room, watched what passed for news, shelled and ate a few handfuls of roasted peanuts and conjectured about whether to do any rowing today at all.
The result of the peanut-powered conjecturing was that I struck a bargain with the subconscious to row as little as necessary for it to be comfortable with. That turned out to be 15 minutes at an easy, nowhere-near race pace.
After the 15 minute session was over I rowed another 5 minutes without any resistance from the subconscious, because I’d forgotten to make a screen shot of the 15 minute session and I wanted some kind of a screen shot. Or maybe it was the subconscious that wanted some kind of a screen shot and it got no resistance from me to row for another 5 minutes? I’m not sure that I cared about the screen shot at all.
The good news for today is that the heart rate monitor worked for the entire time. Which might be because I tried a different heart strap after the old and decrepit Polar heart strap gave out yesterday.
finish screen for the even less than minimal part of today’s rowing15 minute session report5 minute session report
Time seemed to fly by during today’s 9,500 meter session even though there was nothing to watch and no music to listen to.
Today’s session was 9,500 meters at a somewhat easy pace. The distraction of yesterday had been remedied and so the correct pair of shoes was worn today.
There was no running afterwards because for the time being I’m limiting running to every other day.
Today while I was doing the rowing session I noticed that my feet felt wrong. So I focused on them instead of the baseball game that I’d been watching and noticed that I’d been so distracted when I got dressed for rowing that I’d put on the wrong pair of shoes and was wearing running shoes instead of the old worn out sneakers I usually wear for rowing.
So I stopped, removed the running shoes and finished the session barefoot.
The rowing session was 9,500 meters at an easy pace. Followed by more than 20 minutes but less than 30 minutes running outside. That combination, if the running is done on a warm or hot day, seems to be a good one for getting a good night’s sleep.
The big spike down on the pace chart is where I paused to remove the running shoes.Rowing session report
There was a baseball game scheduled at the time I wanted to row today, so I did a half marathon of rowing and watched the game instead of doing less rowing and running afterward.
And it was just as well that I skipped the running, because we had extended rainfall to the accompaniment of generous amounts of thunder. There was a lot more rain today than yesterday and I would have been soaking wet. Which would have been okay except for the part involving getting the running shoes soaking wet.
Today after rowing I went running. As soon as I stepped out the front door the sky started to thunder and there were a few sprinkles of rain.
I started running and the sprinkles became more frequent, with a bit more thunder. It turned into a very light rain, enough to completely wet the surface of the street. But it was a bluff and the rain and thunder stopped.
For the few minutes it lasted, it was very nice.
The view to the east, after the rain stopped.… and the view to the west.