Today’s erg workouts were planned to be a repeat of yesterday’s. Today started out with a 10K, targeting a pace of just faster than 2:20 and a rating of 28, like yesterday. Also like yesterday, a single 500 meter interval was done at a pace of about 2:00, beginning when the remaining distance counted down to 4,000 meters.
Every thing was normal from the start, through the 500 meter interval and a little beyond the end of the 500 meter interval. Then things got strange, like the day before yesterday. Heart rate became irregular with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and heart rate also spiked up to a rate too high for the low effort level of 2:20/500 meters rowing.

Heart behavior and rate remained strange after the rowing session was over and all through the SkiErg session which immediately followed the rowing session. After I changed from workout clothes back into regular attire (jeans and T-shirt), heart rate became normal again. Perhaps it is something to do with the clothes? 🙂

Happy rowing to you!