Confusion of the Heart

Today’s main rowing session was a series of twenty intervals of 20 seconds, with 4o seconds of rest after each. After completing 7 or 8 of the intervals, heart rate got a bit confused. At the very end of the session, heart rate got very confused and went up when effort went down. It seemed logical to slow down when heart rate was acting that way, so the intervals weren’t as vigorous as hoped.

The session was uploaded to YouTube as a screen recording and is available for anyone who’d like to row-along with it, at this link: Indoor Rowing 20X20 seconds R 40 seconds 05042019

Finish screen view for today’s intervals series.
You can see the oddest behavior of heart rate right near the end. Heart rate should have decreased when effort decreased, but instead it made a new high for the session.
The report for today’s rowing session is rather long, with a total of 40 splits for the 20 work intervals plus 20 rest intervals.
RowPro graph for today’s interval series.
Chart and data for the 131 Calorie SkiErg session.

Happy rowing to you!

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