Rowing and Chess


Today’s indoor rowing combined rowing 15,000 meters and chess at the same time.  I didn’t play chess while on the rowing machine, like the two guys in the above photo did. Instead, I watched two lectures on chess.

The two guys in the above photo played “erg chess.”  They each set their rowing machines to count down the same distance and took turns making chess moves and rowing.  When it was one guy’s turn to make a chess move, he was not allowed to row… each of them could only row while it was the other person’s turn to make a chess move.  The winner was either the one who finished the distance or the one who put the other one into checkmate, whichever happened first.

If you want to see how it turned out, the 9 minute 54 second video is at THIS LINK on

AGg-July-14th-2017-15K-finish AGg-July-14th-2017-15K-rpt AGg-July-14th-2017-15K-gphs

Happy, innovative rowing to you.

Today Was A Blast


Today’s indoor rowing was a 10K done easy to medium.  For something to watch, a news article inspired me to look on youtube for videos of people subjecting themselves to jet blast.  The news article today mentioned a woman who had wanted to experience jet blast and who had died as a result of injuries that happened to her when the blast knocked her over.

I didn’t know people … did such things.  But here is a playlist on youtube, consisting of 200 videos of people doing such things.  It’s called Popular Videos – Maho Beach & Jet Blast.

The first 16 of those 200 videos are what made today’s rowing “a blast.”  By the time I’d watched those first 16, the 10K was complete.

AG-July-13th-2017-10K-finish AG-July-13th-2017-10K-rpt AG-July-13th-2017-10K-gphs

Have a safe blast while rowing.

Yesterday July 12, 2017 One Day Late

During the first part of yesterday’s rowing I listened to a cognitive neuroscience lecture called Happy People are Smart People. The two rowers in the above photo look like smart people.

Yesterday the car broke down just when I had finished rowing and was going to shower, then post the session report.  So it wasn’t done.  Not the posting of yesterday’s session report, at least.  The shower was done, but much later than planned.

So here it is – the session report for what was done in the way of indoor rowing yesterday.

AFf-July-12th-2017-11K-finish AFf-July-12th-2017-11K-rpt AFf-July-12th-2017-11K-gphs

Happy … and smart … rowing to you.

Mostly Easy Rowing 15K


Today’s rowing wasn’t quite as easy as those are having it in the above picture, but it was easy.  Mostly, it was easy because I had to take a break of 7-8 minutes about halfway.  If it hadn’t been for that break, it would have been classified as a medium workout.  At any rate, it was fun, mostly because the pace was a focal point without requiring so much focus that I couldn’t pay attention to the cognitive neuroscience lectures.  And another contribution to the fun factor was that the pace was gradually increased from start to finish.

AD-July-9th-2017-15K-finish AD-July-9th-2017-15K-rpt AD-July-9th-2017-15K-gphs

Happy and fun rowing to you.

Imagine Rowing


Today’s indoor rowing was 15K while listening to three lectures relating to cognitive neuroscience.  One of the lectures was about imagining doing things as one form of practice and performance enhancement.

AC-July-6th-2017-15K-finish AC-July-6th-2017-15K-rpt AC-July-6th-2017-15K-gph

Happy rowing to you, both in and outside of your imagination.

Meditation Rowing


Today’s rowing was 12K while watching two more lectures on cognitive neuroscience.  The first lecture was on the subject of meditation.  When I searched for images using the two terms mindful and rowing, the above image was one of the results.  It’s from a British website called Breaking Muscle and the web page it is found on is called Mindfulness and is about meditation in connection with working out, exercising and competition.

ABb-July-5th-2017-12K-finish ABb-July-5th-2017-12K-rpt ABb-July-5th-2017-12K-gphs

May your meditations while rowing lead to happy things.

Keep On Rowing


Today’s session was technically the same as yesterday’s except today’s wasn’t boring.  Same 12K distance and two more lectures on video in the same cognitive neuroscience lecture series.  But the difference was that today I managed to do the entire 12K without stopping for any breaks.  Stopping rowing and taking breaks, it seems, contributes to boring.

The above photo was found among the search results when I searched for images using the terms “don’t stop rowing”.  The search engine didn’t come up with any rowing images at all and seemed to “think” that I meant “growing” instead of “rowing.”  It’s just as well, because I like the picture and the quotation.  The image and its accompanying quotation were found on a website called HarlemCondoLife which is, I assume, most likely in New York.  My second guess would be that it’s in the Netherlands, but I think the city by the same name in Netherlands has two consecutive a’s in its name instead of just one.

AAa-July-3rd-2017-12K-finish AAa-July-3rd-2017-12K-rpt AAa-July-3rd-2017-12K-gph

Happy non-boring rowing to you.

Every Rowing Piece Is A Hill Climb


Today’s indoor rowing was composed of two 30 minute pieces and a 9 minute warm down. All three were done online with plenty of inspirational company. I won’t bother to show any screen shots of the warm down – just the two 30 minute pieces.

You can treat each piece as a hill climb and decide in advance whether or not you want to be breathing hard by the time you reach the top of each hill.

I chose to be breathing easy by the time I reached the top of the first 30 minute hill and to be breathing a little harder at the top of the second one. The second of the two 30 minute sessions consumed 29 calories more than the first, so I didn’t work very much harder, though I was breathing a lot harder at its finish, because the second session ended with a sprint.

This was the EASY workout of today’s two pieces.
This was the MEDIUM workout of today’s two pieces.

AOo-June-28th-2017-30-min-online-1of2-finish AOo-June-28th-2017-30-min-online-1of2-gph AOo-June-28th-2017-30-min-online-2of2-finish AOo-June-28th-2017-30-min-online-2of2-gph

Happy indoor rowing hill climbing to you.