Rowing Out Of The Hole

Digging the hole could be a two-man job, as long as only one man at a time gets near the hole.

Today’s main labor, time-wise, was working at digging a hole to plant a bush.  The bush has flowers that hummingbirds like.  Digging the hole is slow-going, because the soil is very hard and I had to use a pick and a digging bar, more commonly known locally as a “caliche bar,” to break up the earth so it could be scooped out.


I started the job yesterday, with a shovel, like the guy in the photo above this paragraph.  But soon I had to resort to a pick, like one of the guys in the top photo above is holding.  Today, I had to make a trip to the hardware store to get a 16 pound digging bar which is a steel rod about 6 feet long.  It weighs 16 pounds, is pointed at one end and has a chisel-head on the opposite end.  It works well, a few inches at a time.

The above photo of an impressively deep hole was found on a blog called Strandbortraum. The blog doesn’t have anything about rowing that I noticed.  But it did have an article about digging a hole. It was on a page where the author wrote about digging a hole for the planting of a peach tree.  A peach tree would need a deeper and wider hole than the holes needed for the bushes I’m planting.

By the time the hole is complete, it will not be as deep as the impressively deep hole in the above photo.  It will only be a little more than two feet deep, but each inch requires a lot of pounding and scraping. If the thought occurs to me tomorrow, I’ll take a picture of the hole I dug.

For today’s rowing, the main session was 10K online in the company of a rower who was located in Canada.  I mostly rowed a constant pace and he rowed about the same average pace but he did one minute or so sprints, every thousand meters or so.  There was also a 5 minute warmup and warm down before and after.

The heart rate graph is very sloppy because the heart was “hiccuping” today.  But otherwise everything felt normal.

A-Nov-1st-2017-10K-online-finish A-Nov-1st-2017-10K-online-rpt A-Nov-1st-2017-10K-online-gph

Happy and heart-hiccup-free rowing to you.

Better Than Mars


Today’s indoor rowing was done on earth, the best planet for that activity.  The above photo might at first glance resemble a Martian landscape, but at second glance it can be seen to be infinitely more lush than any landscape ever photographed of Mars.  It is a view of some unknown location in the Sonora desert.

The atmosphere where I did my rowing was indoors, so it wasn’t as fresh as any outdoors atmosphere in the Sonora desert, but it was fresh enough and far more oxygen-rich than the hostile-to-humans Martian atmosphere.

Today’s rowing was 10,000 meters done online but alas alone. It was followed by another 5 minutes of supplemental rowing for the sake of a few more meters.


After doing the rowing, I glanced at one of the new features in the Apple Watch (photo and screen shot above) for the heart rate recovery display.  I don’t know what use, if any, to make of it yet, but from what little I’ve read about it, the steeper the angle of decline for the graph of recovery heart rate during the first two minutes after a workout is logged as “done” on the watch, the better. Of course, it would seem to depend on how hard or easy a person had been working out in that workout, so I don’t know if there is a chance of comparing apples to oranges by looking at the heart rate recovery results after workouts of different intensities and duration.

Some of the things I did for fun were to aim for an almost constant, gradually increasing pace and heart rate, with a maximum heart rate target today of around 130.  Some other things I did for fun, were to close my eyes and count the strokes until an estimated 1,000 meters had passed.  That was done about ten times, so I rowed with my eyes closed most of the time.  If other rowers had been rowing with me, I would have watched their avatars to see their stroke rate and watched their numbers for distance separation and pace, on the right of the screen. But nobody else joined, as I’ve already said… so I rowed with my eyes closed and spent a fair amount of time flying through the ethereal realm of thoughts.

Finish screen for the online 10K session today.
Report for the online 10K session today.
RowPro graphs for the online 10K session today.
Concept 2 graphs for the online 10K session today.

Happy non-Martian rowing to you.

Happy Halloween 2017


Yes, I know – today is not Halloween and it won’t occur until about 5 days from today – but today was the day I completed the Skeleton Crew Challenge.  The challenge is simply to row a total of at least 31,000 meters in the period that begins October 25th and ends at midnight on October 31st.  Today I exceeded 31K and was awarded with a certificate, which is displayed at the top of this page.

Today’s indoor rowing started out with 10K done online in the company of Bobo, who is located in France.  After that, I rowed in a 45 minute session with two others – a woman who is located in New Zealand and a man who is located in I Don’t Know What Country.  Finally, I rowed a 5 minute warm down.  Then I checked the meters rowed and saw that by rowing another 5 minutes I could surpass 31K since October 25th, so that was done to earn the certificate.

If you wonder why the HR graphs are “messy” most of the time, its probably because the heart strap battery is getting low.  Yesterday I removed the battery from the heart strap transmitter and checked it with a battery tester.  It tested to be at somewhere above 40% but less than 60% of its maximum new charge.  I decided to keep using it until it quits completely, so there may be more messy HR graphs for a few more sessions, depending on how long it lasts.

For the 10K, I rowed at about 2:20 until it counted down to 9,000 meters, then rowed at about 2:15 until it counted down to 7,000 meters, then rowed at about 2:10 until it counted down to 3,000 meters.  At 3,000 meters to go, I increased the pace to about 2:00 until distance counted down to 2,000 meters.  Then I rested a bit, did a short sprint at about 1:40 for a couple hundred meters and rowed the remaining distance at a leisurely warm down pace.

For the 45 minute session, I rowed a pace between 2:30 and 2:40 until the time counted down to 20 minutes remaining.  At 20 minutes remaining, I increased the pace to about 2:00 for four minutes then rowed easy for a few minutes, then did a short sprint for about 10 or 20 seconds, then eased off to a slower and slower pace, to warm down as the 45 minutes counted down the final few minutes to zero.

The two 5 minute warm downs/ extra meters were each done at exceedingly slow paces.

Finish screen for today’s main session, 10K online.
Report for today’s main session, 10K online.
Graphs for today’s main session, 10K online.
Finish screen for the 45 minute online session.
Report for the 45 minute online session.
Grapsh for the 45 minute online session.
Finish screen for the first of two 5 minute warm downs.
AP Oct 26th 2017 5min wd rpt
Report for the first of two 5 minute warm downs.
Finish screen for the second of two 5 minute warm downs.
AP Oct 26th 2017 5min extra wd rpt
Report for the second of two 5 minute warm downs.

Happy rowing to you.

10K With A Viking

This is a good place for indoor rowing, since there not enough water to float a boat.

Today’s indoor rowing was 10,000 meters scheduled and rowed online.  A guy who is located in Norway joined the session, so I considered that I’d been rowing with a Viking, assuming he is a native Norwegian with Viking DNA.

I guess he was feeling either a bit tired or under the weather though, because he said he didn’t “feel like a Viking”.

Finish screen for today’s online 10K. The heart rate graph looks weird because it has a low battery and didn’t have a signal for most of the time.
Report for today’s online 10K. Heart rate shows zero when there was no signal from the heart strap.
RowPro 5 for the Mac graphs for today’s online 10K. The heart rate graphs look weird because the chest strap had a low battery and didn’t have a signal for most of the time.

Happy rowing to you.

A Race For C2CTC October 2017 Challenge


The longest session today was 10,000 meters done at a very easy pace.  Then it was time for a race.  The race was to do a specific set of intervals and then log the total time for those intervals in the website.

The specific intervals were 500 meters, followed by two minutes rest, then 1,250 meters, followed by 1 minute rest and finally a 250 meter sprint.  Each interval distance was to be done from a stopped flywheel.  It managed to get me to breathing very hard.

The 10K was done online but alone.  The 10K was done first, so as to serve as a long warm-up for the C2CTC race. The rest of today’s rowing was done offline.

Tomorrow, or one of the other days between now and the end of the month, there will be a 1,609 meter (about one mile) race.

Finish screen for today’s very easy 10K.
Report for today’s very easy 10K.
Graphs for today’s very easy 10K. Yes, there were interruptions.
Finish screen view of today’s C2CTC.COM challenge effort.
Reportof today’s C2CTC.COM challenge effort. In between each interval, I stood up and walked while the timer counted down the rest times.
RowPro 5 for the Mac graphs of today’s C2CTC.COM challenge effort.

Happy rowing and occasional racing to you.

Net Performance Increase, Woo Hoo


After doing a very leisurely 10K this afternoon, I ran the RowPro 5 for the Mac comparison analysis, to compare performance change to yesterday’s session which was done at a bit faster average pace.  “Net Performance Increase,” it said.  But what does it mean, really?  Your guess is as good or maybe better than mine.

There was neither warmup nor warm down.  The session was scheduled about 25 minutes in advance as an online session but nobody else signed up so it was done alone.

Finish screen for today’s 10K session.
RpwPro 5 for the Mac report for today’s 10K session.
RowPro 5 for the Mac graphs for today’s 10K session.
RowPro 5 for the Mac’s comparison analysis stats comparing today’s to yesterday’s 10K session.

Happy performance increasing to you.

October 20, 2017 Rowing

When I used the search terms “October 20 2017 rowing” to look for an image today, this was one of the top results. It is from the website of a rowing club in Frankfurt, Germany.

Today’s indoor rowing consisted of 10,000 meters rowed online but alone, followed by a warm down. There are only screenshots of the 10K below.

AMm-Oct-20th-2017-10K-finish AMm-Oct-20th-2017-10K-rpt AMm-Oct-20th-2017-10K-rp-gph AMm-Oct-20th-2017-10K-c2-gph

Happy rowing to you.


Rowing A Symphony Of Motion Better Than Yesterday

When some people think of a symphony of motion, they think of rowing. Into what genre would the above rowing symphony be classified?  Avant garde?  Romantic? Classical crossover? (Actually…  the two rowers above were doing a crossover of sorts, to switch seating positions.)

Today’s indoor rowing was the same distance and feeling-of-effort goal as yesterday’s.  But yesterday’s was not posted to this blog yesterday.  So today’s blog post will do double duty.

When some people think of “symphony of motion,” instead of thinking of rowing they think of something else, such as trains.

Since yesterday’s and today’s were the same distance, this blog post will include the results of a RowPro 5 for the Mac comparison analysis of today and yesterday.

Part of today’s blog post title was inspired by some of the inspiring words of George Pocock, who is famous in the world of rowing. He said: “It’s a great art, is rowing. It’s the finest art there is. It’s a symphony of motion. And when you’re doing well, why it’s nearing perfection. And when you reach perfection, you’re touching the divine. It touches the you of you, which is your soul.”

The order of presentation of screenshots etc will be yesterday’s first, then today’s and finally the RowPro 5 for the Mac analysis comparison of the two sessions.


A video watched during part of today’s rowing session was called “Rowing: A symphony of Motion,” found on youtube.  That’s a screenshot of it, just above.

Finish screen for yesterday’s 8K.
Report for yesterday’s 8K.
RowPro charts for yesterday’s 8K.
Concept 2 online logbook graphs for yesterday’s 8K.
Finish screen for today’s 8K session.
Report for today’s 8K session.
RowPro graphs for today’s 8K session.
Concept 2 online logbook graphs for today’s 8K session.
RowPro 5 for the Mac analysis comparison graphs of today and yesterday.
RowPro 5 for the Mac analysis comparison STATS of today and yesterday.

Happy symphonic rowing to you.


Restraining The Reins Among The Windmills Of The Mind


I couldn’t immediately find an image to go with today’s title, so the above photo of an indoor rowing meet featured on the British Rowing website will have to do.

Though the above photo show dozens of over 700 people at an indoor rowing meet, my rowing session was done alone at home.  As I rowed one of the things I imagined was riding a horse among windmills while holding the reins so as to restrain the horse from breaking into a gallop.

Today was not a day to race or gallop.  The goal was to maneuver and keep the heart rate in a range of between 120 and 140.

There are two competitive events to do before this month’s end.  One is for and the other is for the indoor rowers organization, whose website seems to be down at the moment…

Today’s indoor rowing was followed by a 2K warm down, the results of which will be shown first:

Finish screen of today’s warm down.
Report of today’s warm down.
Charts of today’s warm down.
Report of today’s 8K main session.
RowPro graphs of today’s 8K main session.
Concept 2 online logbook graphs of today’s 8K main session.

Happy rowing to you.

Row Among The Windmills In Your Mind


One of the music videos that played today while I was rowing seemed especially apt.  The Windmills Of Your Mind, sung by Dusty Springfield.

The mind is always looking for entertainment, escape, meaning and freedom, among other things.  And that remains true when a person is doing indoor rowing.  In that respect, the lyrics of “The Windmills of Your Mind” seem relevant in their freely interpreted meaning, which will be fluid and different for every person who hears the song.

Some of the words of the song’s lyrics are:

Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel,
Never ending or beginning,
On an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain,
Or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that’s turning
Running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on its face
And the world is like an apple
Spinning silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind!”

Did any of the words mean anything in particular to you?  To me, they evoke countless images and many recollections.  For example, the phrase “….wheel within a wheel…” reminds of a famous verse from the first chapter of The Book of Ezekiel: “The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” (verse 16).  And it reminds of the times long ago when I first read that verse, and other contexts within which that verse was spoken of or referenced.

Today’s rowing was 30 minutes online but solo, preceded by a short warmup and followed by a brief warm down.

Finish screen for today’s 30 minute session.
Report for today’s 30 minute session.
RowPro graphs for today’s 30 minute session.
Concept2 online logbook graphs for today’s 30 minute session.

Happy rowing among the windmills of your mind.