Faster But Easier

Today’s daily rowing session was the same distance as yesterday’s, 11,490 meters. It was a bit faster than yesterday’s session but it felt easier and was definitely more fun than yesterday’s. The average pace for yesterday’s was 2:35.7/500 meters and the average pace for today’s was 2:26.9/500 m. That amounted to a calorie burn difference of 20,000 calories more today than yesterday.*

Screenshot of today’s chart and data.
Screenshot of yesterday’s chart and data.

Though there hasn’t been a blog post made since June 14th, there have been workout sessions every day from then until today. Any of the workouts can be seen via this: link to the online logbook. To see any session’s data and its interactive graph, click the corresponding “+” sign in the “Action” column for that session.

Happy rowing to you!

* The 20,000 calorie difference between today’s and yesterday’s sessions is actual calories. For those of you who are acquainted only with the analysis listed on the backs of food packages, those energy values are kilo-calories or “food Calories”. The difference in energy expended in today’s rowing session compared to yesterday’s was 20 kilo-calories or 20 food Calories. But I like the sound of 20,000 calories better because though it is the same amount of energy it sounds like a lot more.

Warmup Needed After Workout

The view from where I sat while warming up after today’s morning workout.

Today’s workout was done all in one session, almost first thing in the morning after getting out of bed. The idea was to get it over with. The session was 11,490 meters on the rowing machine. The distance of 11,490 meters was my daily average distance for the previous rowing season and it was chosen as this season’s minimum daily distance.

Afterwards I felt chilly so I poured a cup of coffee and went outside to warm up. The outdoor temperature was 102 F in the shade (38.9 C) but I wanted even more heat than that, so I unlocked the back door of the truck and climbed inside to sit with the cup of coffee and then closed the door. It was quite a bit warmer in the truck, since the truck was sitting in the sunshine.

It felt very nice and toasty warm like a sauna. By the time the coffee was gone I was warmed up and went back into the house.

Any of the other workouts can be seen via this: link to the online logbook. To see any session’s data and its interactive graph, click the corresponding “+” sign in the “Action” column for that session.

Happy rowing to you!

Four On The Floor

Today was a deliberately low-energy rowing day, as most days have been since I began the “detraining” in January of this year.

The day’s workout time was divided into 9 sessions totaling 11,490 meters, which is the current minimum daily quota. The main session was not the longest but it was at a degree of higher energy than most of the rest. It was 4 minutes rowing with a target pace of 1:58.7. I overshot the pace a bit and ended with an average pace of 1:58.6.

I didn’t anticipate that the pace of 1:58.7/500m for a mere 4 minutes would bother my heart, but it seemed to be the trigger for a few hours of atrial fibrillation. The Afib cleared up a few hours later when I did about 20 minutes of easy rowing to finish the day’s workout quota.

If you look at the red line for heart rate in the screen shot of the graph (below) for the 4 minute piece, you can see that heart rate wasn’t charting where it should have been. Atrial fibrillation seems to confuse the electronics of the heart strap and make messy, non-sensical heart rate graphs.

Screen shot of the online logbook chart and some data for today’s 4 minute rowing piece.

If you are curious about any of the other workouts I’ve done since the previous post on June 4th, all data and “live” graphs can be seen via this: link to the online logbook. To see any session’s data and its interactive graph, click the corresponding “+” sign in the “Action” column for that session.

Happy rowing to you!