Antenna Tuner Rowing

Someone’s homemade antenna tuner.

Since the previous blog post, I’ve missed a lot of days making entries in this blog but haven’t missed a day of rowing.

Today’s workout was 12,000 meters in one session at a slow pace while watching various YouTube amateur videos posted by amateur radio operators about antenna tuners.

Someone else’s homemade antenna tuner.

Good news for today relating to today’s rowing workout is that there was no atrial fibrillation.

Screenshot of today’s 12K results from within the Concept 2 online logbook.

All data and live, granular clickable graphs can be seen via this link to the online logbook. To see any session’s data and its interactive graph, click the corresponding “+” sign in the “Action” column for the relevant session.

Though this looks commercially made, it is also a homemade tuner.

Happy rowing to you!

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