Wow, it’s been ten days since the previous blog post.
But though I haven’t been posting daily, there have been workouts every day since then and they have all been done while keeping the overall goal in mind of balancing a daily dose of healthy activity while simultaneously “detraining” by keeping the amount and level of exertion moderate enough to allow the heart to straighten out its tangled web of whatever has been causing the atrial fibrillation episodes.
There are no guidelines for how to “detrain” without simply ceasing to exercise, so I’m doing it by trial and error, with mostly random experimenting from one week to the next. The only thing I’ve been doing consistently while “detraining” is resisting the temptation to do any all-out, as-fast-as-possible pieces of any length more than a dozen or so strokes in a row.
There was no “all-out” effort of even so much as one stroke today.
All data and “live” graphs can be seen via this: link to the online logbook. To see any session’s data and its interactive graph, click the corresponding “+” sign in the “Action” column for that session.
Today’s workouts totaled eight: Two unfocused warmup sessions on the SkiErg, five unfocused pieces on the rowing machine and one focused session, the 8th of all eight. The focused session was a preset distance of 5,469 meters with the goal of steering heart rate as near as possible to 120 BPM during the session. A screenshot of its graph is below and the rest of the data is viewable via the link in the previous paragraph.

Happy rowing to you!