Strange Heart Strangenessless

Both today and yesterday’s 10K rowing sessions were done at identical pace and each had one interval of 500 meters. Today’s (on the right) was NORMAL heart rate for that effort, at about 120 BPM. Yesterday’s heart rate was HIGH for that same effort level, at about 150 BPM.

Today started out differently than yesterday in a couple respects. The first of those was that there was no atrial fibrillation overnight or this morning, as there had been the previous day and night. As a consequence of that, the second immediately noticeable difference was that today’s HRV analysis by EliteHRV was a perfect 10, the greenest “green light” possible for any sort of workout today.

Another difference between today and yesterday is that yesterday I did some sweating during both the rowing and SkiErg workouts but today there was no sweating, no drips of sweat today on either the rowing machine or on the SkiErg platform, like there had been yesterday.

Yesterday, there was “heart strangeness” and I categorized yesterday’s blog post, accordingly, with that tag of “heart strangeness”. Today, heart behaved perfectly but because the difference between yesterday and today is so surprising, “strange” to me, I’m using that same tag for today’s post.

Though I rowed yesterday and today at the same easy pace, with sweating while rowing yesterday but not today… today’s SkiErg session was a bit harder than yesterday’s but today there were NO drips of sweat on the SkiErg platform, like there had been during yesterday’s easier SkiErg session while experiencing irregular heart rate which was abnormally high.

Report for today’s 10K rowing session.
Graphs for today’s 10K rowing session.
Chart and data for today’s SkiErg session.

Happy rowing to you!

A Trial Of Fibrillation

This morning’s EliteHRV analysis on the left and EliteHRV’s graph of my irregular Afib in the graph on the right.

Today started with a very poor HRV analysis by the EliteHRV app and today’s workouts were both blah.

They were blah, because atrial fibrillation happened throughout. Not only did the heart go flutter-flutter, but it also went way too fast for the low effort level. I thought that maybe it would “straighten up and fly right,” before the end of the 10K rowing or the SkiErg session but it didn’t. Hopefully, it will straighten up today or tonight.

But on the BRIGHT SIDE: Though both rowing and SkiErg workouts were very moderate, at least I was able to work up a bit of a sweat. Eventually… it took quite a while, but eventually, sweat happened during the rowing session and continued, through the SkiErg session. The sweat was not profuse, by any means, but it was drippy like proper, respectable sweat should be.

Finish screen for today’s rowing 10K.
Report for today’s rowing 10K.
Graphs for today’s rowing 10K.
Concept 2 online logbook chart and data for today’s SkiErg session.

Happy rowing to you.

A Long Minute

Each second seems longer than normal, when sprinting with maximum effort.

Today’s main session was the shortest, a one minute rowing sprint. It was the “main” session, mainly because it was the most fun. The other, longer session was 146 Calories on the SkiErg, which was done first, as a sort of warmup for the one minute rowing sprint.

Time does seem to pass more slowly, when doing something like sprinting with maximum effort. In contrast, each minute of today’s much lower effort-level session on the SkiErg seemed to pass relatively quickly.

The report for the one minute sprint is divided into 3 splits of 20 seconds each. First split was slower than the second split, though I was freshest during the first split – because it took extra time to accelerate from a stop. The third split was slower than the second split for a different reason: because after 40 seconds I was getting tired and involuntarily slowing.

Concept 2 online logbook chart and data display for the SkiErg session
RowPro finish screen for the one minute sprint.
RowPro report for the one minute sprint.
RowPro graph for the one minute sprint.

Happy rowing to you!

A Green Lit 10K

Today’s EliteHRV analysis was better than yesterday’s and it was green, so I did a bit longer workouts, each at a bit brisker pace than what was done yesterday. The main workout was rowing 10K with a 2:10 pace boat, aiming to stay ahead of the pace boat. There was occasional Afib sputtering of the cardio engine during the 10K but it never persisted and was flutter-free smooth-running for most of the time. You can see the times when the ticker got irregular and fluttered with atrial fibrillation, in the RowPro graph of the rowing session where the vertical spikes to zero are located. There were five of them… possibly six, if you count the very beginning, but heart rate just before the 10K started was 46 to 49 BPM, so that thing which looks like a spike right at the beginning might just be heart rate raising quickly from its low resting rate.

After the rowing, there was a 145 calorie intervals session on the SkiErg.

Today’s green 8 was better than yesterday’s yellow 5 for HRV.
Finish screen for today’s 10K rowing. The Afib spikes in heart rate are not visible in this view but are quite visible, further below, in the RowPro software graph.
RowPro report for today’s 10K rowing.
RowPro graphs for today’s 10K rowing.
Concept 2 online logbook chart and data display for today’s SkiErg session.

Happy rowing to you!

A Recovery Day Sunday

Today’s EliteHRV morning readiness score and analysis.

Today’s workouts were short and avoided high intensity, because this morning’s EliteHRV analysis was a yellow light/caution recommendation.

The first workout was on the SkiErg, alternating work and rest intervals for a total of 144 Calories. After the SkiErg, I rowed an easy 2300 meters as a warm down.

Chart and some data for today’s 144 Calorie session on the SkiErg.
Finish screen for the 2,300 meter warm down.
Report for the 2,300 meter warm down.
RowPro graphs for the 2,300 meter warm down.

Happy rowing to you!