Today And Yesterday, Succinctly

There was no rowing or other workout either yesterday or today. But I’ve been in contact with another guy who uses RowPro and likes to row online in scheduled sessions as part of his motivation/incentive to do frequent rowing and I may soon resume rowing online if we can get mutually agreeable, scheduled online sessions arranged.

And now for the topic of tracking heart rate variability: My EliteHRV “Morning Readiness” scores for today and yesterday:

Today’s (April 5, 2019) EliteHRV analysis.
Yesterday’s (April 4, 2019) EliteHRV analysis.

Happy rowing to you!

Online Session Canceled

Today’s morning readiness score with the EliteHRV app was still in the green, barely.

The online half-marathon session that was scheduled for early this morning was canceled after I checked, about 2 hours before it was scheduled to start, and saw that nobody else had signed up for it.

I’d had another night of sleep interrupted by a period of wakefulness aka insomnia. After canceling the online session I went back to bed and slept until a few hours before noon, which was a lot later than desired but which at least provided a total amount of sleep of a little more than 7 hours, which is what seems to be the needed amount of daily sleep.

Maybe a full marathon tomorrow?

Happy rowing to you!

Perhaps Tomorrow?

Hopefully, tomorrow’s EliteHRV app Morning Readiness reading will be in the green, like today’s was.

Insomnia last night, slept in late today. Again.

Didn’t do any rowing or other workout today. Again.

But on the positive side, I felt very rested after getting out of bed today!

Scheduled a half marathon for early tomorrow morning. I wonder if that will come to pass?

Happy rowing to you!