Conserving Energy?


If you had to make a long walk across a desert and had limited water, you would probably conserve energy by walking at the most moderate and efficient speed.  Today’s RowPro-generated training session seems to have had that purpose of conserving energy, though for a different reason.

The training session was only 2,000 meters and was to be done at an easy pace.  The person who designed the software algorithm for generating the training program probably had it work out that way for today’s training session, because tomorrow’s training session is supposed to be a hard 6K, coded as “TT” which is the code for a Time Trial.

A time trial is sort of a pretend race.  There are no others competing but a person is supposed to work as hard as if he’s trying to win a race.

In order to get a total of at least 10K meters rowing today, the training session was preceded by a SUPER easy 8K.  Screenshots and other details follow:

Supplemental 8K finish screen
Supplemental 8K report
Supplemental 8K graphs

AIi-Feb-18th-2K-training-finish AIi-Feb-18th-2K-training-detail AIi-Feb-18th-2K-training-rpt AIi-Feb-18th-2K-training-gph

Happy rowing to you.


6,000 Meters Easy

If you want 6,000 meters HARD, row faster….  or climb a mountain.

Today’s session was 6,000 meters which the training plan coded E for Easy, as explained in the training details screenshot somewhere below.  It was supplemented and preceded by 3,000 meters even easier, to bring today’s meters rowed up to 10K total.  If you are thinking, “6,000 plus 3,000 is less than 10K” – you are correct.  But the programmed 6K was immediately preceded and followed by 500 meter warmup and warm down.

The drag factor setting was about 120 and it was done “strapless” because the only benefit of cinching up the straps around your shoes is if you are going to sprint at a high rating.  Rowing strapless encourages better rowing form. However, I’m not one of those who row strapless and also barefoot because that’s a good way to get blisters on the back of the heel.  Nor do I row strapless and in socks only because that will give blisters and also wear holes in the socks.  Strapless – wearing shoes.  And the type of shoes isn’t critical, as long as they are reasonably flexible, as most sport/running/walking shoes are.

Screen shots of today’s rowing results are below.

Supplemental warmup finish screen
Supplemental warmup report
Supplemental warmup graphs
Main 6K session finish screen
Today’s training details
Main 6K session report
Main 6K session graphs

Happy trails to you.

The Light Of Rowing Helps Dispel Darkness


When you row, you are generating more light.  Granted, the light that is generated when you work to elevate your metabolism is invisible to the eye, but it is light nonetheless and the elevation of metabolism does more than generate thermal energy, it stimulates the production of happy hormones.

So expect to experience some elevation of your mood when you row.

Today’s RowPro generated training session was 6K divided up into four 500 meter sprints and the remainder was easy/”rest” rowing.  The shorthand designation for today’s session was 4x500r750.  Each of the active rest periods was 750 meters, with the exception of the very last active rest period, which was 750 meters plus what remained of the 6000 meter total.

Before doing the training session, I did an easy 3K, to bring today’s total up to a little over 10K.

Finish screen of 3K supplemental warmup
Report of supplemental 3K warmup
Graphs for supplemental 3K warmup
Finish screen after main (6K) part of today’s training session.
Training details for today.
AH Feb 16th 6K training rpt
Report for today’s 6K training session.
AH Feb 16th 6K training gph
Graphs for today’s 6K training session.

Happy trails to you.

4000 Meters Is Not Enough

I don’t know where this photo was taken or who took the photo, but the geography certainly qualifies as ethereal.

Today’s training session was a “recovery” session and was only to be 4,000 meters.  That wasn’t enough, for the sake of maintaining a daily average >/= to 10K so it was supplemented with 6K which was done before the 4K training session.

The painted target HR zone on the training session screen was ignored because it seems to be too low.

I haven’t recently mentioned details of drag factor setting or whether I used the straps or not. So here are those details for today’s rowing:  Drag factor was set to about 120 and that’s where it usually is, unless I say otherwise.  As for the straps, I never tighten them up unless its a race and I anticipate a rating of 30 or higher.  Any rating of less than 30 doesn’t really need straps and you can develop better form if you don’t rely on the straps.

Here are the screenshots for the 6K supplemental and the 4K training session, in that order:

Supplemental 6K finish screen
Supplemental 6K report
Supplemental 6K graphs
Finish screen for main (4K) portion of actual training session.
Training session details. As usual recently, I disregarded the HR target of 89-112 because it seems way too low to fit the description of the session. It felt better to go a little faster and actually feel a bit warmer for having done so.
Training session report
Training session graphs.

Happy trails to you.

Almost Caught Napping


A few minutes after I went into the room where the rowing machine is located, I started to feel like it would be better to take a nap.  I sat motionless on the erg for a minute or so and considered doing so.  But then, I pulled a few strokes and the desire to take a nap disappeared.

Today’s training session was 5,000 meters arranged as 4x500r750.  It included a 500m warmup and 750m warm down attached at beginning and end, respectively.

500 meters isn’t enough of a warmup, if I’m going to do some sprinting.  So before the 5K training session, I did an easy 5K continuous, to get more thoroughly warmed up.

Finish screen for extra warmup. You need to be nice and warm before sprinting.
Warmup report
Warmup graphs.
Finish screen for main part of today’s training session.
Details of today’s training session.
Report for today’s training session.
Graphs for today’s training session

Happy trails to you.


“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” ~the apt quotation paired with  this heartwarming snapshot is unverified but attributed to Mark Twain

I don’t know whether or not today’s training session actually did anything to help improve my times in 5 and 6K, as is its stated purpose according to the RowPro training plan generator.  But it was literally heartwarming, which was especially appreciated on today’s chilly morning.

“Chilly” is relative, of course… the house was 64° F which would be considered warm in other parts of the country, but definitely chilly to those of us who are accustomed to summer temperatures in the triple digits.

Today’s RowPro 5 for the Mac software-generated training session consisted of a 500m warmup, a main session of 14K and a 750m warm down.  The 14K portion was subdivided to include two “slow pressure” 1500m intervals and the remainder of the 14K was to be done at an easy pace.  Screenshots below.

AF-Feb-12th-14K-training-finish AF-Feb-12th-14K-training-detail AF-Feb-12th-14K-training-rpt AF-Feb-12th-14K-training-gph

Happy trails to you.

Maximum Fun Outside The Heart Box


Today I had a phone conversation with my oldest daughter who was on her way to watch her daughter play in a soccer game.  As we made the segue to disconnect from the call, I said “Have fun at the soccer game,” to which she replied, “have fun rowing.”  To which, I replied, “I’ll have as much fun as I possibly can, rowing…” To which, she replied with a laugh.

Her laugh was good seasoning added to the rowing session today, which was another RowPro software-generated training session of 8K at an easy pace with target zones for both HR and rating.

While rowing, I listened to K-LOVE, a local radio station whose music competed with the sound of the erg during the 8K.  The thought and memory of laughter about having maximum fun while rowing mixed with the other ambient sounds and led to the observation that rowing at a pace that kept HR inside the painted zone wasn’t as much fun as it should be.  I suspect that the algorithm RowPro 5 for the Mac uses for painting the HR zone uses the formula HRmax = 220-age.  That formula doesn’t work for me.  Never has.

So I picked up the pace to what felt like fun while still rowing in easy, recovery mode.


Maximum fun was a little ways outside and above the HR box.

AEe-Feb-11th-8K-training-finish AEe-Feb-11th-8K-training-details AEe-Feb-11th-8K-training-rpt AEe-Feb-11th-8K-training-gph

Happy trails to you.

What To Call It

An actual view of this blog post in progress as I’m taking a few moments to think about what to call it

Today’s session of the 12 week RowPro software-generated training session was as shown in the screenshot of training details somewhere below: 500m warmup, 6K easy, 500m warmdown.

The rowing alone wasn’t enough work to complete the “move” circle of my apple watch activity app, so I guess I’ll have to find something else to do today, like perhaps walk up and down a flight of stairs a few dozen times.

The apple watch activity app reminds me to stand up at least once every hour, exercise at least 30 minutes per day and also to move sufficiently to burn my daily quota of apple watch activity units.  It actually calls them “calories,” but I call them apple watch activity units because it gives me a daily quota of so-called “calories” which currently is 570.  But I burn a lot more calories than what it credits me for in exercise on the erg.

For example:  The apple watch activity app counted the rowing session today as 260 calories, but the Concept 2 erg, which is a precise measuring instrument, registered it to be actually 393 calories. That’s quite a discrepancy if you really care.  But that’s okay because I don’t care that the apple watch activity app isn’t a precise measuring instrument.  I am not one single iota less satisfied with the apple watch because of that discrepancy.  I consider the “calories” recorded by the apple watch activity app to be either apple watch units or “relative” calories.  Relative, in the sense of being somehow related, like perhaps “cousins” of the actual calories.

I’m sure you will understand, because you are a genius – as was explained in yesterday’s post.

Screenshot view of finish screen for the 6K portion of today’s session.
Today’s session details.

AE-Feb-10th-6K-training-rpt AE-Feb-10th-6K-training-gph

Happy trails to you.

You Are A Genius


The title is a non-sequitur in relation to today’s rowing session.  According to the above quotation attributed to Einstein, you are a genius.  Feel good about yourself, in that respect.

Today’s rowing training session was 10K which included a couple of 1K intervals which I did in a gentle fashion. The first 1K interval was done at the most gentle pace and the second 1K was done slightly faster.  I followed the instructions in the training details and “relaxed and let it happen” while watching what passed for news on TV.

But… now that I think about it more, I guess I didn’t follow the guidance in the details as well as I could, because I didn’t work hard enough to develop any additional strength or endurance.  Hmm… How do you “relax” and work hard enough to push like that?

So I guess I did relax but did not develop any additional strength or endurance. C’est la vie.

ADd-Feb-9th-10K-training-finish ADd-Feb-9th-10K-training-details ADd-Feb-9th-10K-training-rpt ADd-Feb-9th-10K-training-gph

Happy trails to you.