In fact, you can make a funny face without rowing at all!
Today’s indoor rowing consisted of 12,000 meters with a gradually increasing pace until reaching 7,000 meters, then a step up in pace to 200+ watts for 1,800 meters, a sprint for 250 meters and finally the last 3K was warm down.
While rowing, I watched an entertaining youtube video with the long and wordy title of “Popular Shuffle Dance Music Mix 2017 Best Electro Melbourne Bounce Party Shuffle…” by Dj Daniel Sky, which featured lively, energetic music and video clips of guys and girls (mostly girls) shuffle dancing. None of the video clips of people dancing are longer than about 30 seconds to one minute, so I assume it is a high energy activity that isn’t usually sustained for a very long time.
It was good music to listen to for rowing and easy on the eyes for viewing while multitasking to keep a portion of focus on rowing Watts level.
Though any music at all is often more annoying and distracting than helpful, energetic music tends to be helpful, as long as it’s not playing during the final part of a race, when I don’t want to listen to anything at all because the final race effort requires 100% of what focus I can muster.
This was not a race. Plenty of focus to spare.
Happy rowing Watts watching to you.