Who Stopped The Music?


Today’s rowing session was one hour scheduled online by a rower in Denmark.  There was a total of 5 rowers in the session: Annette W in Denmark, Clément in France, Arwed E. in Germany, Anne B. in the US and myself in a parallel universe.

A sixty minute session isn’t something I do very frequently lately so I thought I’d use the relatively rare opportunity to aim for SB.  (SB is online rowers’ lingo for season best)

My target pace was 2:07 or anything better that was comfortable.  Gotta be comfortable. It was accomplished, but I got off to a slow start because the streaming connection between my iPhone and the TV dropped at the start of the session and I had to stop rowing to reconnect it.  Then it dropped and the music stopped a second time and I had to stop rowing a second time.

The music continued without faltering after being restored  the second time. To make up for the lost time during the two interruptions, I rowed at a pace faster than 2:07 until the average pace dropped below 2:07.  Then, I decided that since it hadn’t been any strain to get the average pace down to 2:07, I’d row at a pace that would drop it to below 2:06.

During the last two minutes, it seemed appropriate to add a little sprint for good measure.

After the hour session, there was a 2K warm down.

finish screen for 60 minutes
report for 60 minutes
charts for 60 minutes
warmdown finish screen
warmdown report
warmdown charts

Happy trails to you.