A guy who’s new to rowing but not that new to other exercise said, “I get a little crabby when I’m not able to get my workouts in.” It seems that he has achieved a positive addiction to something that is healthy. That’s something to be happy about 🙂 and I know he is, because he said that since he’s taken to doing some daily exercise, he feels better than he has “in the last 15 years.”
I’m happy for him.
Happily, I too managed to do some exercise today. It was mostly indoor rowing. The main session was 10,000 meters which was done at its slowest pace for the first 1,000 meters as a warm up. For the next 7,000 meters, it was done at an easy pace with a target heart rate of from around 130 to 140. While I was rowing those 7,000 meters, the “Projected Finish” time on the rowing machine’s monitor would vary between 44 and 45 minutes.
For the last 2,000 meters, it was done at whatever pace it took to make the “Projected Finish” time on the monitor show 44:00 or less, with 44:00 being the target.
Afterwards, I rested for about 3 to 5 minutes, so the Apple Watch could measure and graph HR recovery. Then I did an additional 5 minutes very easy, to get a few hundred more supplemental meters, to help keep my daily average above 10K per day.

Happy rowing addiction to you.