Today’s session of the 12 week RowPro software-generated training session was as shown in the screenshot of training details somewhere below: 500m warmup, 6K easy, 500m warmdown.
The rowing alone wasn’t enough work to complete the “move” circle of my apple watch activity app, so I guess I’ll have to find something else to do today, like perhaps walk up and down a flight of stairs a few dozen times.
The apple watch activity app reminds me to stand up at least once every hour, exercise at least 30 minutes per day and also to move sufficiently to burn my daily quota of apple watch activity units. It actually calls them “calories,” but I call them apple watch activity units because it gives me a daily quota of so-called “calories” which currently is 570. But I burn a lot more calories than what it credits me for in exercise on the erg.
For example: The apple watch activity app counted the rowing session today as 260 calories, but the Concept 2 erg, which is a precise measuring instrument, registered it to be actually 393 calories. That’s quite a discrepancy if you really care. But that’s okay because I don’t care that the apple watch activity app isn’t a precise measuring instrument. I am not one single iota less satisfied with the apple watch because of that discrepancy. I consider the “calories” recorded by the apple watch activity app to be either apple watch units or “relative” calories. Relative, in the sense of being somehow related, like perhaps “cousins” of the actual calories.
I’m sure you will understand, because you are a genius – as was explained in yesterday’s post.

Happy trails to you.