Today’s main indoor rowing session was indoor skiing on a Concept 2 SkiErg. I connected it to RowPro for the sake of logging it and getting a bigger screen display of data. Since RowPro is only designed with rowing machines = boat avatars in mind, it looked like I was rowing a boat on the digital river. Something was going on with the stroke rate not translating well to the display and instead of displaying what should have been a stroke rate in the 20s or 30s, it was all over the place and very frequently displaying a false stroke rate of over 100 SPM. But the other data looked okay.
I preset the distance to 10,000 meters on the SkiErg, but by the time I reached between 2K and 3K I was breathing hard and sweating profusely, though my average pace was a mere 3:00 minutes/500m. So I guess it will take a lot of getting used to as an unfamiliar workout for my underused upper body.
Instead of going the full distance of 10K, I stopped skiing after about 2 miles, which was 3,250 meters. Since I’m brand new to the SkiErg, I started out with the lowest possible damper setting at 0 (zero) and that was a Drag Factor of about 51 according to the PM5.
I rated both the SkiErg 3250 meters and the rowing machine 1,000 meters as each RPE 5.
After the shortened session on the SkiErg I switched to the familiar Concept 2 Model D and rowed 1,000 meters plus a 750 meter warm down.
For those who’d like to row (or ski) along, the SkiErg session screen recording is here: Indoor Skiing 3250 meters 01152019 and the 1K rowing machine session screen recording is here: Indoor Rowing 1,000 meters 01152019

Happy rowing to you!