Too Pretty To Eat?

This lovely display of fractal growth will be part of our dinner tonight. Its called by many different names including the one we know it by, which is “romanesque cauliflower”.

Today’s rowing was mainly 5000 meters with 3 intervals of 500 meters each woven into the session. Overall, I rate the 5K rowing at RPE Level 4. It was followed by a 1K rowing warm down at RPE Level 1.

There was also a 500 meter SkiErg session at RPE Level 10 and it was followed by a 1K warm down at RPE Level 1.

Today’s EliteHRV Morning Readiness reading looked auspicious.
Last night’s sleep was short at 5 hours 30 minutes.
Finish screen for today’s 5K rowing session.
Report for today’s 5K rowing session.
RowPro graphs for today’s 5K rowing session.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 5K rowing session.
Finish screen for today’s 500 meter SkiErg sprint.
Report for today’s 500 meter SkiErg sprint.
RowPro graphs for today’s 500 meter SkiErg sprint.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 500 meter SkiErg sprint.

Happy rowing to you.

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