Three And Then Six

Finish screen for today’s 5000 meter rowing session.

Today’s aerobic workouts consisted of first doing 5K on the rowing machine. The 5K was wrapped around three intervals of 500 meters each, like yesterday’s rowing 5K. It was RPE Level 4.

I haven’t uploaded a screen recording for a while, so the 5K rowing session was recorded for those who’d like to row-along with it. It is available at: Indoor Rowing 5K Wrapped Around 3 Intervals 02052018

After the rowing, I did six intervals of 500 meters each, on the SkiErg. The target pace for each of the 500 meter intervals was going to be 2:10 to 2:11, but after the first interval at target pace, I faded during the second interval and went a lot slower during the final 5 of 6 intervals. The SkiErg session was RPE Level 10 for sweating but RPE Level 7 for breathing.

Report for today’s 5000 meter rowing session.
RowPro graphs for today’s 5000 meter rowing session.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 5000 meter rowing session.
Finish screen for SkiErg intervals.
RowPro reportfor SkiErg intervals.
RowPro graphs for SkiErg intervals.
SkiErg Interval 1 of 6.
SkiErg Interval 2 of 6.
SkiErg Interval 3 of 6.
SkiErg Interval 4 of 6.
SkiErg Interval 5 of 6.
SkiErg Interval 6 of 6.
Today’s Morning Readiness reading,
Last night’s sleep was fairly good quality, 5 hours 35 minutes.

Happy rowing to you!

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