The Shortest Was Most Fun

Today’s HRV reading with the EliteHRV app was a green light for anything.

Today’s aerobic workouts consisted of four piecces on the SkiErg only. The one that was the most fun was also the shortest. It was fun, because it was fast, not because it was short.

Last night’s sleep was enough sleep to allow for anything today, at 8 hours 10 minutes logged by SleepWatch
The first of four pieces today was 4,000 meters at RPE Level 3.
The second piece today was the most fun because it was the fastest. A 100 meter sprint at RPE Level 10.
The third piece was 10 minutes at RPE Level 2.
The fourth piece was originally going to be 4,200 meters, but after 1,356 meters it was interrupted for dinner.

Happy rowing to you!

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