In the photo on the left, you see the remains of somebody’s stripped-down car. The photo on the right shows a Hyundai on the moon. I’m not sure, but I think that particular model of Hyundai is named “Tucson”. There must not be very many cars on the moon yet, because there is no visible smog.
The above photos have nothing to do with the title of today’s post nor do they have anything to do with today’s rowing. But I thought it was interesting that a lot of people have put cars and other things on the surface of the moon…. so why not a Concept 2 rowing machine? Diane volunteered to help put a rowing machine on the moon, so maybe soon … because she is a space cadet with the skills to do it.
The rower that I tried to get to race with me is the one who is going by the moniker of Meerkat.
Today’s blog post title was inspired by today’s rowing, which was a 30 minute online session with 12 other people. The above screen shot shows the Oarbits’ listing of the session results. The rower who is shown in 10th place is the one who called himself (or herself) Meerkat.
In case you happen to be a person who doesn’t know what a meerkat is, the above photo shows five of them hanging out together. They are a close-knit society of creatures who have a lot of fans in the society of people who like cute furry creatures. Diane is among the meerkat fans, but not exclusively. Diane is also a fan of squirrels, prairie dogs, beavers, otters, etc.
I paced Meerkat to stay within less than 1 meter of him (or her) throughout the first 23 minutes or so and then I increased my pace, to try to get Meerkat to row faster so we could perhaps have a fun race to the finish.
But Meerkat wouldn’t take the bait, so I raced my own shadow and the result was a tie.
Finish screenshot for today’s 30 minute online session. On this screenshot, Meerkat shows to be in 9th place. I don’t know why the Oarbits results show the same rower in 10th place.Report for today’s 30 minute online session.RowPro graphs for today’s 30 minute online session. I don’t know why the heart rate graph is so messy. Quite a few factors can affect it, including battery charge level, lack of sufficient moisture on skin and also whether the heart strap band is sufficiently snug around the chest.Concept 2 online logbook’s version of graphs for today’s 30 minute online session.
Happy rowing to you and your shadow and anyone who will race with the two of you.