The Concept 2 Challenge Made Me Row

Great score from the EliteHRV app today. Too bad I slept in so late and didn’t feel like rowing.

Today started out very late. Or it could also be said that it started out very early, but in the latter case “early” means early in the afternoon. Which I consider very late.

Last night’s sleep was interrupted for a few hours, which was the main factor leading to sleeping so late, early in the afternoon.

One result was that I didn’t feel like doing any rowing because I prefer rowing in the morning and the earlier the better.

But I remembered that I had signed up to participate in one of the incentive challenges on the website, “The World Erg Challenge“. To participate in the World Erg Challenge, all you have to do is join a team and follow the simple instructions explained on the World Erg Challenge web page.

Once you do that and log your first meters for the challenge, you are an athlete. Do you want to know how to become an athlete? I just told you! 🙂

Notice the word at the top of the participants’ names column. ATHLETE! If you participate, you are an athlete.

So anyway – because I felt it to be a duty and obligation to do some rowing today, “for the team” – I rowed a few thousand meters and then logged some meters on the SkiErg.

RowPro report for today’s token rowing session.
Graphs for today’s brief rowing session.
Data and chart for today’s SkiErg session.

Happy rowing to you!