Today’s rowing session was done a little too late in the day, in Diane’s opinion. Because today was our day to go out to eat and I made her wait about 20 minutes or more, in order to finish the 10K that I got a late start on.
We sat at a table with another couple because the little restaurant was so crowded this evening that there was a shortage of tables. We had a pleasant conversation with them, which included a little bit (very little) talk about indoor rowing. But – just as a little exercise is better than none – a little bit of talk about indoor rowing is better than none (in my opinion) (which opinion is not necessarily always shared by Diane) (on the topic of rowing).
Before I write any more, I’m going to pause and admire the little train of parentheses in the preceding sentence. Nice!
So … when I sat to write this blog post, talking was on my mind. And also rowing. Thus the search terms, “talking indoor rowing”
Sometimes, talking about rowing leads to more inspiration for rowing. We shall see if I feel more inspired to row tomorrow, if and when I recall the brief conversation in the restaurant.
The above photo is from a Wikipedia article on the topic of indoor rowing.
Now for the data relating to today’s rowing. It was offline and correspondingly uninspired. I watched parts of two movies and operated the remote control many times while rowing. So the rowing wasn’t especially energetic etc.
Happy trails to you.