Take The Reins

The subconscious will stall and give you the runaround while snickering at you until you take the reins and point the way.

Like yesterday, today had an early start. Also like yesterday, the subconscious ignored last night’s intentions of doing the workout first thing in the morning as it found one thing after another to do.

Eventually, after about two hours of puttering, I realized time was flying by and scattering its feathers through my brain in the process.

Allow the heart to lead and there’s a rain of confusion. Take the reins of the skittish heart and confusion will not reign. I took the lead, held the reins and changed into workout clothes.

Did the SkiErg session first. Everything went okay except there was a computer problem and the session wouldn’t upload with the ErgData app. Manually entered the SkiErg data into the Concept 2 logbook. I’d done the SkiErg session barefoot (so it would be more fun), so next I donned some shoes to protect my feet while they’d be in the footrests of the rowing machine.

While donning shoes, heart and subconscious started snickering and dickering about doing less than 10,000 meters rowing, but I just set up RowPro for 10K and started. The chosen goal was an average pace of 2:15 or better.

The heart seemed to grumble now and then as its rate readout would disappear from the display. But it remained steady overall. It also remained in the appropriate beats/minute range for the the effort – whenever its readout was being displayed.

So everything was okay in today’s workout fray.

No chart and less data than usual for today’s SkiErg session, because a firmware problem was reported when I tried to upload it.
Finish screen for today’s 10K rowing.
Report for today’s 10K rowing.
Graphs for today’s 10K rowing.

Happy rowing to you!

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