Tingly All Over

Today’s EliteHRV Morning Readiness reading didn’t seem to have been dampened at all by yesterday’s workout and it even improved over yesterday’s.
Last night’s sleep was good, though a little short at 6 hours 35 minutes and with two brief interruptions.

After today’s aerobic workouts I felt tingly, all over. It’s a good feeling.

Today’s rowing was a preset distance of 13,400 meters. That distance was chosen based on the distance rowed yesterday to reach 800 calories. That was the main workout and it was done at RPE Level 6. It was followed by another attempt at doing a 500 meter sprint on the SkiErg, which was done at RPE Level 10. Lastly there was a 2 minute warmdown at RPE Level 1.

Screen recordings of each were made for those who’d like to row or SkiErg-along with either of them. The 13,400 meter indoor row is at this link:Indoor Rowing 13400 meters 01222019 and the 500 meter SkiErg sprint is at this link: Indoor Skiing 500 meters 01222019

Finish screen – today’s 13,400 meter session.
Report- today’s 13,400 meter session.
RowPro graphs- today’s 13,400 meter session.
Concept 2 online logbook chart- today’s 13,400 meter session.
Finish screen-today’s 500 meter sprint on SkiErg.
Report-today’s 500 meter sprint on SkiErg.
RowPro graphs-today’s 500 meter sprint on SkiErg.
Concept 2 online logbook chart-today’s 500 meter sprint on SkiErg.

Happy rowing to you!

800 Calories Was Just Dandy

Today’s EliteHRV morning readiness analysis was good again.
Last night’s sleep was a little short at 6 hours 10 minutes, but it was good sleep with no insomnia interruption.

Today’s main session was rowing until arriving at a total of 800 calories, done at RPE level 7. The main session is available as a screen recording for those who’d like to row-along. It’s link on YouTube is: Indoor Rowing 800 Calories 01212019

The Concept 2 rowing machine is an ergometer and it accurately measures work. It registered 800 calories for the main rowing session today, but the Apple Watch, which independently logged the workout as a rowing session, shows quite a few less calories than the Concept 2 ergometer. So don’t rely on the Apple Watch calorie count if you do a rowing workout.

Today’s second of three sessions was another attempt on the SkiErg to do a one minute sprint. The sprint was done at RPE level 9 and it was a better result than yesterday’s because I didn’t start out too fast and was able to maintain the pace for the entire minute. The third and last session today was going to be another attempt at a 500 meter sprint on the SkiErg, but I started out too fast or didn’t have a suitable drag factor setting (or perhaps I was too tired??), so I let that “sprint” fade into a warm down and the resulting RPE for the 500 meters was Level 4.

Finish screen for 800 calorie rowing.
Report for 800 calorie rowing at RPE level 7.
RowPro graphs for 800 calorie rowing.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for 800 calorie rowing.
There is no report or graph for the 100 meter sprint on SkiErg because it wasn’t done with RowPro but above is a screenshot of the summary data.
The final session for the day was 500 meters on the SkiErg which started out as an attempt to improve the previous, ranked result. But I started out too fast to maintain it so let it fade into a warm down. Heart rate fade lagged behind the fade of effort level.

Happy rowing to you.

1,153 Assorted Calories

Today’s HRV Morning Readiness analysis was good, so rowing was okay to do. Of course, it has been good for several days WITHOUT having done any rowing on those days… but today some rowing was actually done!

Today’s main workout was an aerobic row of 19,384 meters. It was at RPE level 2. It was followed by a first time attempt at a one minute sprint on the SkiErg, at what started out at RPE level 10 and faded. That was followed by 500 meters on the SkiErg at RPE level 5, to serve as a warm down for a warm down. Lastly, there was a SkiErg final warm down of about two minutes at RPE level 1.

A screen recording was made of the main aerobic rowing session and I will post the live link here: Indoor Rowing 1100 calories 01202019

Last night’s sleep had a bit of insomnia but total sleep was good at 7 hours 50 minutes
Finish screen for today’s rowing session of 19,384 meters. It started out as a full marathon in case I felt inclined to go that distance.
RowPro report for today’s main session. The finish screen at the time the RowPro session was stopped showed 1,100 calories. This report shows 1,097 calories. The Concept 2 logbook shows 1,095 calories. What’s a few calories, among friends?
RowPro graphs for today’s main session.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s main session.
Chart for today’s first time ever 1 minute sprint attempt on SkiErg. You can see that though my effort level faded, heart rate did not fade with the fading effort level.
After the 1 minute SkiErg sprint I did two warmdowns. This was the first warm down, 500 meters on the SkiErg at RPE level 5.
:This was the final warm down: two minutes on the SkiErg at an RPE 1 effort level that allowed heart rate to slow down.

Happy rowing to you!

Oiled The Chain

This is the kind of oil recommended by Concept 2 for occasional oiling of the chain on the rowing machine.

Today there was no rowing or SkiErg session, but I did oil the chain on the Concept 2 rowing machine. It doesn’t need to be done very often.

Today’s HRV morning readiness score continued to be good.
Last night’s sleep made up for the previous night’s insomnia, at 8 hours and 55 minutes logged.

Happy rowing to you.

Things Happened But No Rowing Today

This morning’s EliteHRV readiness score bode well for rowing. But other things happened and there was no rowing today.

Good EliteHRV readiness reading today!.
Adequate sleep last night, at 7 hours 10 minutes. There was a bout of insomnia but it was possible to sleep in later to compensate.

Happy rowing to you.

An Upright Rest Day

Though today was a rest day from rowing, I didn’t recline or take a nap like this guy appears to be doing.

Today’s EliteHRV score was very sympathetic which in the case of heart rate variability isn’t good. So I took the day off from rowing. I was slightly active, moving furniture, assembling a piece of exercise equipment and other miscellaneous chores/tasks. But none of it compared to any kind of rowing.

Today’e EliteHRV Morning readiness score.
Heart rate graph of last nights sleep. It was a good night’s sleep, but the sleep logging app says I’m still low on sleep. The way the sleep app puts it, I’m at 75% of what it calculates to be my “3-Day Sleep Target”

Though last night’s sleep was quite a bit more than the night before, last night’s RHR was higher at 53 (vs 51 for night before) and last night’s average sleeping HR was higher at 59 (vs 54 for night before).

Happy rowing to you!

A Whale of a Time, But Alas! Almost No Rowing!

We made a brief holiday trip to visit some of our children. I did virtually no rowing while we were away from home. But we did get to take a little trip in a charter boat and see some whales up close. One of the whales came up out of the water briefly.

It’s been about two weeks since I’ve sat and rowed on a Concept 2 rowing machine. A few hours of the time during which there was no rowing was occupied with a trip on a chartered boat, to watch whales. The whales occasionally came up out of the water, to watch us watching them. Here is the best video I got of the whales coming up out of the water: A gray whale surfacing briefly

I didn’t take any HRV readings for about two weeks. Today’s was the second day in a row of EliteHRV readings, after we returned home so the HRV baseline is just getting started again.

Today’s EliteHRV morning readiness reading indicated caution (see above screenshot) but I was more than cautious and didn’t do any rowing today.

The only indoor rowing I did during the past two weeks was done in my street clothes. I didn’t want to get sweaty, so I took it easy while trying out a strange rowing machine called “Matrix”. It was quieter than a C2, but I’ll take a C2 over a Matrix any day. It felt weird/strange.
The only other machine I tried while on the trip was a Stairmaster step machine. The above screen shows the results of what I did, which burned 150 calories.

Now, for those of you who are wanna-be sleep-researchers, here’s the exciting recent record of heart rate during sleep periods for Dec 27th through the most recent night’s sleep:

7 hours 55 minutes total sleep.
7 hours 45 minutes total sleep.
4 hours 50 minutes total sleep.
8 hours 40 minutes total sleep.
8 hours 5 minutes total sleep.
9 hours 25 minutes total sleep.

Happy rowing to you.