The Fruits Of A Half Marathon

Two days after doing a half marathon, EliteHRV calculated that I had the best Morning Readiness score since starting to use the app!

One fruit of the Dec 15th half marathon is displayed in the screenshot above, which shows the best Morning Readiness reading I’ve had so far since using EliteHRV.  It came two days later and I think it is one result of the half marathon effort.

A second fruit was improved sleep. The above chart shows last night’s sleeping heart rate.  Though it seemed to me like it was good sleep, you can’t tell much of anything about the quality of sleep from that chart. But – this morning I received a notification and “inquiry” from my sleep logging app about my sleep the prior night, immediately following the half marathon. (see screenshot below)

Its analysis reports that sleep quality for the previous day’s sleep period (the night immediately following the half marathon) was “higher than is typical” and it presented  a couple dozen possible reasons, asking me to check off “all that apply” to that improved sleep quality, so as to contribute to its cause-and-effect analysis. The only one I checked was exercise, because the half marathon was the only thing out of the ordinary, since it’s 21,097 meters had been about 5 times my average daily volume so far this season and about double my recent several weeks’ daily volume.

The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much…” Ecclesiastes 5:12

Since today’s EliteHRV “Morning Readiness” reading said it was okay to train harder today, I decided to do another 10,000+ meters, arranged as a 10 minute warmup, a 6,000 meter piece at a target pace of 2:06/500 meters and a 10 minute warm down.

For those of you who’d like to row along with it, a screen recording is available on YouTube at this link: Indoor Rowing 6K at 2min 6secs 12172018

Happy rowing to you.