Today’s aerobic activity started out with the conscious goal of doing 10K all alone and offline at a somewhat race pace (for me) of 2:03.7 or faster.
But the subconscious wasn’t in agreement. So I canceled that 10K before even finishing the warmup and went into the living room, watched what passed for news, shelled and ate a few handfuls of roasted peanuts and conjectured about whether to do any rowing today at all.
The result of the peanut-powered conjecturing was that I struck a bargain with the subconscious to row as little as necessary for it to be comfortable with. That turned out to be 15 minutes at an easy, nowhere-near race pace.
After the 15 minute session was over I rowed another 5 minutes without any resistance from the subconscious, because I’d forgotten to make a screen shot of the 15 minute session and I wanted some kind of a screen shot. Or maybe it was the subconscious that wanted some kind of a screen shot and it got no resistance from me to row for another 5 minutes? I’m not sure that I cared about the screen shot at all.
The good news for today is that the heart rate monitor worked for the entire time. Which might be because I tried a different heart strap after the old and decrepit Polar heart strap gave out yesterday.

Happy trails.