The image above shows a coxswain at work. Coxswains are frequently present in OTW rowing and they have to be smart, resourceful and quick-thinking if they are any good at their job.
A bit of rowing trivia is that Stephen Hawking was a coxswain for a while, but he wasn’t a very good one. In fact, he was a very poor coxswain. So on the basis of those facts one may conclude that though Hawking is a bit of a savant at math, he isn’t as smart as he’s cracked up to be*.
*Definition of phrase, “cracked up to be”: Failing to meet expectations; not being as good as people say.
Today’s rowing session was two. First, a 4x1500r750 patterned within 14K. After that, I did some catch-up and did the next training session, which was 4x200r1000 within a 6K. But the catch-up 6K was done much slower than its description called for. The main thing I wanted was to catch up on some of the meters missed over the weekend and that was partly accomplished. Now I’m only behind by one training session.

Happy rowing to you.