Steady Overdistance 10K And Supplemental 2K

Finish screen for the 10K. It was done online, with a rower who was in Canada.

Today’s indoor rowing consisted of two pieces.  The first was 10K done with steady-state effort at an average pace of 2:23.  The second was a 2K done the same way but at an average pace of 2:15.

A screen recording was made of the 10K and it will be available for those of you who want to row-along.  It’s link will be active in a few hours from now at this location: Indoor Rowing 10K Online with Canada 11302018

10K report.
RowPro graph for 10K
Concept2 online logbook chart for 10K.
Report for the supplemental 2K.
Graphs for the supplemental 2K.

Happy rowing to you.