Spoiler Heart Finally Cooperated

The above variety of spoiler helps stabilize a race car when it is moving fast. The heart didn’t fit that definition of spoiler today.

The total workout was two sessions for a total of about 30 minutes. Today’s second session is the one for which there is a screen recording. It consists of 7 intervals with active rests.

The plan was for the first and every other following minute to be a brisker pace with slower active rests. Heart was a spoiler and because it’s rate went too high in a few of the earlier intervals, the brisk pace was not maintained for those particular ones. But as the session progressed, the heart cleaned up its act and it’s behavior improved. The last three intervals were each done with a cooperative heart for the full 60 seconds.

The second, third and fourth intervals were spoiled heart behavior today. The first, fifth, sixth and seventh went as hoped.

If you’d like to view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available here: July 16th, 2021 screen recorded rowing session.

Though not all workout sessions for the day are always or even usually mentioned in this blog, data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To see a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.

Happy rowing to you!