Today’s main erg workout was a set of 7 one-minute sprints. They were done within a 30 minute continuous session. The first 10 minutes was warmup, then the intervals (one minute sprints) began. Each interval was followed with 30 seconds of easy/rest rowing.
My preference is to have a uniform, crisp-looking graph but today’s wasn’t. It was sloppy. The reason it was sloppy is because after the first or second interval, heart rate started being too high and also irregular.
After the rowing session I did a session on the SkiErg which also included sprints. It included 8 sprints, each of which were done at a higher power level than the rowing sprints. Interestingly, heart rate remained 100% regular and in a normal range for the entire workout on the SkiErg. Go figure.

Happy rowing to you!