A screenshot of Apple Watch’s record for two minutes following the end of today’s 10K. If you have an Apple Watch and want to see useful data on this “recovery chart,” you have to IMMEDIATELY tell the Apple Watch workout app that you are done with the workout, as soon as you are done. Then, you have to remain motionless for two whole minutes, so it can record how your heart rate slows during the first and second minute after you tell it your workout is done. Personally, I’d rather segue immediately into a warm down instead of being motionless.
Today’s indoor rowing was scheduled online but didn’t garner any company so it was rowed solo. And it was somewhat so-so, without the inspiration of one or more other rowers’ avatars on the screen.
The rowing session consisted of 10,000 meters at an easy pace, with a slight pickup in effort level in the last of the session. There was no warmup or warm down.
Finish screen for today’s online 10,000 meter sessionReport for today’s online 10,000 meter sessionRowPro graphs for today’s online 10,000 meter sessionConcept 2 online logbook chart for today’s online 10,000 meter session