Today’s top workout goal was to start the erg time as soon as possible and reach the goal likewise as soon as possible. But today the heart was skittish and it wouldn’t allow me to horse around with rowing at any effort level much above 100 Watts for more than a minute or so before heart rate BPM surged too high. By “too high,” I mean to a rate that was too high for the effort level and time already expended in the session, based on a couple decades or more of watching heart rate while physically active.
Because of that skittishness I did less than half of today’s kilocalories goal in an hour, then took a break for a little food and coffee. The remaining portion was finished at a bit better pace and though heart was still inclined be a bit skittish it behaved better during the second hour.

Though not all workout sessions for the day are always or even usually mentioned in the blog, data for any workout sessions for any day whatsoever can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To view a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.
Happy rowing to you!