Sitting and Thinking

Gazing at daydreams and passing thoughts while sitting and thinking. No matter how old or how young you are, this is something everybody spends some time doing.

While I was changing from rowing clothes back into jeans and t-shirt, my better half walked into the room and remarked, “You worked out for a long time! Are you making up for some missed workouts?” I gazed at her and gathered my thoughts for a moment before responding, “No. It wasn’t a long workout, but I spent a lot of time sitting and thinking.”

Today’s EliteHRV heart rate variability analysis wasn’t quite low enough to give me a reason for a day off.

Today’s rowing workout was 5,000 meters rowing at specific target stroke rates for each of the five 1K splits. The rating targets were 26-24-22- 24-26 Strokes Per Minute. It took a lot of mental focus. I had a dreamy attitude but the wandering thoughts and daydreaming were done before and after the 5K with its targeted strokes-per-minute for each 1K split.

After the rowing, I did a 129 Calorie session on the SkiErg, arranged in alternating splits of 10 calories work/10 calories rest.

Finish screen for today’s 5K piece.
Report for today’s 5K piece. Notice the circled column headed “Avg SPM”. The targets were met for each split except for the 4th split, which was too high at 25 instead of the target of 24 SPM.
RowPro graphsfor today’s 5K piece.
Concept 2 logbook chart for today’s 5K piece.
Chart and data for today’s 129 calories on the SkiErg.

Happy rowing to you!

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