Short Splashy Sprints


Today’s training session consisted of 4 very short sprints of 200 meters each, within a total session distance of 6K.  Added on to that was a 2K warmup and 2K warm down.

The sprints weren’t actually splashy of course, because it is indoor rowing, with the only water in the immediate environment being the humidity in the air and a few drops of sweat that drip onto the machine.

For the sprints, the HR range specified in the training detail was disregarded because I think the algorithm used in the software for providing the HR ranges is in most cases inaccurate and shows a range that is too low.  So I just focused on staying within the specified SPM range and rowing hard during those 4x200m.

There was also a strength training session today, which was done before rowing.  But that will be shown here after the rowing stuff.

finish screen view after the 6K portion
Training details
Session report
Session graphs

The strength training was another short and simple dose of push-ups while following in the push-ups book mentioned earlier.  Here are the results so far:


Happy rowing to you.

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