Scratched The Pyramid

This cat is no doubt getting a lot more satisfaction from scratching his pyramid than I got from scratching my speed pyramid today.

Today’s rowing session was a standard Pete Plan speed pyramid, just like the ones that were done 3 and 6 weeks ago. But this one didn’t feel right, so I scratched it, after getting almost halfway through.  From the halfway point on, it was a lot slower than it should have been.

The target pace for the first 3 of 7 intervals was 1:50.6 and then the last 4 were supposed to be done as fast as I could.  But as I said it didn’t work out and though I did avoid a literal HD and row the entire distance, the overall average pace was so much slower than the starting target pace that when this is done again in three weeks, I’ll use the same 1:50.6 target pace for the first 3 intervals and see if I can maintain a faster pace for all four of the last intervals.

There were two warmups done because I had to interrupt things to answer an important email, after finishing the first warmup and I became cool again.

first warmup report
second warm up report
Messy looking finish screen for the scratched pyramid.
Session report for scratched pyramid.

Happy trails to you.