I say “RowPro worked okay today” because yesterday it crashed…
Today’s rowing session was 30 minutes scheduled online as a single session. It was joined by five other energetic rowers, making a total of a half-dozen including myself.
If you ever want to see the listing of scheduled online rowing sessions using a browser, you can see them at http://www.digitalrowing.com/Oarbits/livefeed.htm and the results can be seen at http://www.digitalrowing.com/Oarbits/livefeed.htm If those two links look the same, that’s because they are. After you get to that page, you click one of the three highlighted links near the top – either “Live Feed” or “Scheduled Sessions” or “Results,” depending on what you want to see.
Here is a screenshot of today’s results of the session I rowed, using the above link:
Although I said that RowPro worked okay today, I’m not 100% certain about that. The heart readout wasn’t what it should have been and instead, it was either a blank display showing no heart rate on the PM or it was way too high. So… before the end of the session, I removed the strap rather than continue to look at the nonsensical readout.

Happy trails to you.