Today’s rowing consisted of 5 sessions, one warm up and two warm downs, for 8 in all. Most of them were done online, with rowers who were in Denmark, Great Britain and Spain.
Today I decided to schedule 3 sprints into the mix. The order in which they were done was: first, an easy 10 minute warm up. Next were the online scheduled pieces and first of those was a 100 meter sprint, followed about 10 minutes later with a 500 meter and then a 1,000 meter sprint. During the 1,000 meter piece, my HR started going weird and registered as high as 210, so I eased off and didn’t push very hard.
After those three sprints there was a break of about 20 minutes. During that 15-20 minute break I walked around a little and did a 5 minute warm down, to try to get HR to settle back down to normal but to no avail.
Then there was an online 10K and because my HR was acting erratic, I rowed the 10K at a fairly constant, easy pace of about 2:15/500 meters, to give the heart a chance to settle down and re-synchronize to a normal rate. It took about 5,500 meters of the 2:15 pace before HR settled down again and you can easily see that on the finish screen graph for the 10K.
After the 10K, I made another attempt at the 100 meter sprint, offline and managed to shave off a few tenths of a second. Lastly, there was a 10 minute warm down. Images of the finish screens, session reports and a few comments in some of the captions follow:
Finish screen for the first 100 m sprint. I was disappointed that the time was longer than 20 seconds, so I did another 100m after the 10K.Session report for first 100 m sprintFinish screen for the 500 m sprint. I think that the reason my HR started acting up in the 1K that followed might be because I didn’t warm down after this sprint.Session report for the 500 m sprint.Finish screen for the 1000 meter sprint. My heart rate started acting up right away, in the 3rd split when it jumped to 187 and then topped at over 200. So I eased up and didn’t push as hard as I would have liked to. It was extremely annoying.Heart rate normally wouldn’t rise to 187 in that short of a time, like it did in the third split of this 1K sprint.The last of today’s online pieces was supposed to be a 10K race but I took it easy instead of racing. You can see that HR was kinda wild and crazy until it finally settled down and acted normally during the last 5,500 meters. It took that long for it to become Re-Synchronized.Session report for the 10KFinish screen for the second attempt at 100m. It was better than the first try. My approach was different with this second try: Instead of watching the screen, I kind of let my eyes become unfocused and concentrated on each stroke. It was only about 12 strokes and less than 20 seconds, but time seemed to slow down and last for minutes instead of seconds with this approach.session report for 2nd 100 meter sprintThe final warm down was done very, very easy and everything stayed normal.A summary list of today’s rowing, highlighted in blue.