Today’s most funnest* workout was an easy-paced 30 minutes online in the company of three other rowers who were all in the US. The session was another “handicap 5K chase” within a timed 30 minute session.
The slowest rower, whom I’ll refer to as Tucson-1, started rowing immediately at the start signal. Tucson-1 rowed at a pace of about 2:42/500m. I started almost immediately after the start signal, but rowed at around 5:00/500m for the first minute and about 4:00/500m for the second minute. After two minutes, I increased the pace to somewhere around 2:29/500 meters until I was within 25 meters of Tucson-1.
The third rower to start was a woman in Ohio, whom I’ll refer to as Ohio-1. She waited two minutes after the start signal before she began rowing at a pace faster than 2:29/500. The last rower to start, whom I’ll refer to as Tucson-3, waited about 5 1/2 minutes and then rowed at about 2:03 or thereabouts in his effort to catch up to Tucson-1 and everyone else.
After I became as near as 25 meters behind Tucson-1, I slowed and made small adjustments in my pace in order to maintain a constant separation of 25 meters between me and Tucson-1.
Ohio-1 caught up to and passed both me and Tucson-1 before either of us reached the 5,000 meter mark.
When Tucson-3 caught up to me I sprinted from that point until I caught up to Tucson-1 and then I slowed and paced evenly with Tucson-1 until the finish. Tucson-3 passed me and Tucson-1 before we reached the 5,000 meter mark.
When there were about 3 minutes remaining of the 30 minute session Ohio-1 and Tucson-3 slowed and dropped back to be even with me and Tucson-1 and from that point on the 4 of us kept each other company until the end of the session.
All-in-all it was a very nice session that everyone enjoyed.
There was a total of ten workout sessions done today but screenshots for only one of them, the online session, are displayed here. All workout sessions were done without company with the exception of the 30 minute online session and a 2,500 meter online warm down which immediately followed the 30 minute session.
All data and graphs can be seen via this link to my online logbook. To see a session click the corresponding “+” sign in the “Action” column for the particular session.
There was atrial fibrillation all last night and it still persisted at the beginning of today’s 30 minute online session -boo! By the end of the 30 minute online session the atrial fibrillation had vanished, heart behavior returned to normal and it is still acting normally, more than 8 hours after today’s workouts were finished – hurray!

Happy rowing to you!
* Note regarding the word “funnest”: “Grammar Girl” Mignon Fogarty did a lot of research to determine whether or not it is a legitimate word and in the process of doing that research, which she said was not fun to do, she forgot to call her mother on her mother’s birthday. You can read her article about the word “funnest” at this link: Is “Funnest” a Word?