Today’s indoor rowing was done online. It was done online because there was a 10K scheduled, with several rowers already signed up and the description for the 10K included the words “Every pace is accepted”. So my slow pace wouldn’t be any bother.

Not that anybody rowing slowly should be a bother – I like to row online with other people, no matter how slow or fast they row. Company is good.
The Olympian in the group was Wolfram Huhn. There’s a Wikipedia article about him. That article is classified as a “stub” waiting for expansion, but it has links relating directly to him.
There was a nice race between Wolfram Huhn and Tomek Kobryzyniecki during this session. Tomek started out to take the lead, getting a few meters ahead of Wolfram. Wolfram picked up his pace and caught up to Tomek after about 1300 meters. Then, for a few hundred meters, Wolfram seemed to be pacing Tomek to stay even with him. After a few hundred meters of pacing him, Wolfram pulled ahead by a meter, then gradually, meter by meter, continued to pull ahead of Tomek until he had more than 20 meters lead. During the last 1,000 meters they both rowed harder as Tomek tried to catch up to Wolfram. Their paces had been in the low 1:50s until then but during the last 500 meters they worked their hardest and each showed paces in the high 1:30s near the very end.
The winner was Wolfram, who reached the finish line about 10 -15 meters and about 3 seconds ahead of Tomek.
The entire session plus the warm down afterwards was uploaded to YouTube as a screen recording and may be viewed at the following link: “Online Rowing 10K then warmdown 71 years old 04072018”

Happy rowing to you.