For quite a few rowing sessions now, I’ve only felt inclined to row easy or mostly easy. While I ponder various things, including whether I want to do a marathon this season and do it at any sort of competitive pace.
Today’s rowing was set to a distance of 10,500 meters and was done while alternating between rowing easy and switching from one Netflix video to another, until finally settling on one that held my interest, though just barely. Some parts of it were so predictable that I’d grab the remote and fast-forward through the predictable and boring parts.
I’m still sore from the strength-training/pushups session yesterday. In addition to the pushups recorded in the log whose image is displayed in yesterday’s post, I did more sets after the 7th set and total of 70 shown in the pushups log entry for yesterday. The actual total was 164 pushups yesterday, during an elapsed time of about 90 minutes for all the sets and rest times. The motivation for doing more was to enhance sleep quality last night and it worked. Slept soundly and longly. Longly is not a word, according to the spell checker. Actually, I knew that but it’s okay to be loose with the language as long as the writer has the proper license, which I do. Its called a poetic license.
Anyway – here are the relevant screenshots for today’s bit of indoor rowing:
Happy rowing to you.