Today I had the good fortune to again have energetic company in an online rowing session. Jim D. and Brent R. both joined today’s 10K. Jim D. rowed at his usual amazing pace of around 1:50 and Brent R. also rowed an energetic pace. So I was once again inspired not to be lazy.
If I’d been alone, God only knows what pace I would have rowed but my guess is that it would have been around 2:20. With today’s inspiring company, I started out the 10K at 2:15 for the first 1K, then increased the pace to 2:10 for another 2K. After rowing for 3,000 meters, I increased the pace to about 2:05 and held it there for another 3K until the total distance rowed was 6,000 meters. At the 6,000 meter point, I increased the pace to 2:00 and though I wasn’t committed to anything in particular, had a general tentative intention of holding the pace at 2:00 until the total distance rowed was 9,500 meters, then sprint for the final 500 meters.
But after 1,000 meters at a pace of about 2:00, I decided to wind it down, so I slowed to 2:05 for 1K, then 2:10 for the next 1K. Then I did a little sprint for a couple hundred meters and then finished the remaining distance at a pace of about 2:15, so no warm down was necessary.

Happy rowing to you.