Today’s rowing was 10K followed by a 2K warmdown. The 10K was done with an effort level monitored and adjusted, to keep heart rate within the range of 120 to 140. The first 2500 meters served as a warmup by keeping the heart rate between 100 and 120 during that distance.
It was a heart rate train(ing) session. The difference between a heart rate training session and a session where you can see your heart rate but are not doing heart rate training, is simply that in a heart rate training session you adjust your effort to keep your heart rate within predetermined upper and lower boundaries.
The 10K was scheduled well in advance (well… about 3 hours in advance..) but only the lonely rowed this 10K.
In other words, nobody else signed up for it. A fairly frequent occurrence.
For entertainment, I tried a couple of videos but neither of them seemed at all suitable. And, when I thought about it, I didn’t want to watch anything or listen to any music, so I rowed in a silent room which was filled with the sounds of two fans and the rowing machine’s assorted sounds. It seemed entertaining enough, to focus on the effort level and heart rate biofeedback, for the entire 10,000 meters.
Happy heart rate biofeedbacking to you.