Of course, it wasn’t actually a heart attack because heart attacks are painful and cause people to faint, collapse etc. But the way my heart was acting today had me wondering for a while. It was a bit uncooperative. Guess I’m going to have to set aside some time for a heart to heart talk with it.
It’s uncooperative behavior included rhythm irregularities and beating too fast for the effort being expended. I’m guessing that its an after effect of the radioactive chemicals and the regadenoson injection that I had a couple days ago during a cardio PET scan. It probably hasn’t all been flushed out of the system yet.
The chemistry of what regadenoson does in the body and especially the heart is beyond my amateur understanding but from what I do understand, it is quite potent at what it does.
Today’s session wasn’t fun and wasn’t nearly as high an average effort level as anticipated. I didn’t even work up a single drop of sweat, on the heart strap transmitter. Normally, the heart strap transmitter is quite wet, when it is removed from the chest. The lack of sweat was partly because, in addition to the uncooperative heart behavior, I dismounted the rowing machine somewhere after the middle of the session, got a drink of cold water and walked around a bit, in hopes that things would settle back to normal. They didn’t, so I just finished the 10K at a slower pace.
Gotta get at least 10,000 meters per day for at least 25 days this month, to complete one of the current Concept 2 rowing challenges. 🙂
The rowing session was uploaded to YouTube and is available as a screen recording at the following link: “Indoor Rowing Through A Heart Attack 03152018”

Happy rowing to you.