The thing on my mind before starting today’s workouts was recent bouts of heart strangeness during recent rowing sessions. So as a result, today I decided to experiment by reversing the order in which I do the workouts on rowing machine and SkiErg. Instead of rowing first, I did a SkiErg workout first.
The one and only reason for making that change was because I wondered if my heart rate would become irregular again during the first workout of the day, if I did that workout on SkiErg instead of rowing machine.
For the recent few days, heart rate has had fits of irregularity and other strangeness during the first workout of the day, which was rowing. But it has behaved normally during the second workout on the SkiErg, immediately following the rowing.
Interestingly enough, heart behaved normally during the first workout today on the SkiErg. During the second workout, on the rowing machine, it also behaved normally.
Actually it behaved ever-so-slightly abnormally during the SkiErg workout, and what I’m referring to by that is visible in the heart rate graph after the 2nd of 8 intervals on the SkiErg – in the space of graph between 2nd and third intervals. Heart rate stayed regular, but it went way too high, then recovered and behaved very normally after that.
Was it a coincidence or is there something about using the SkiErg, which is done standing UPRIGHT/100% VERTICAL instead of sitting (with the lower half of the body extended horizontally) and which (SkiErg) mostly uses the arms instead of the legs… which is more agreeable to the heart? Or at least, which is more agreeable if it is done as the first workout before doing any hard rowing?

Happy rowing to you!